
Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación / Geografía (8828)

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Geografía Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Complex Landscape of Asylum and Refuge in Europe
    Parihar Maninder
    'The Complex Landscape of Asylum and Refuge in Europe' is a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted challenges surrounding migration in Europe. The book, organized into fourteen chapters, delves into critical issues shaping the region’s asylum policies. From the nexus between migration pressures and terrorism concerns to the fate of irregular migration, it navigates throu...

    66,20 €

  • Понимание причин отказа от участия в национальной системе медицинского страхования Ганы
    Фелиция Асомани
    Национальная система медицинского страхования Ганы не достигла полного охвата населения, хотя она является системой социального медицинского страхования - моделью, которая все больше набирает вес как способная охватить бедные и малообеспеченные группы населения. По аналогии с многочисленными исследованиями, посвященными отказу от участия в программе, социально-экономические фак...

    55,72 €

  • Comprendre la non-inscription au régime national d’assurance maladie du Ghana
    Felicia Asomani
    Le régime national d’assurance maladie du Ghana n’a pas atteint une couverture totale de la population bien qu’il s’agisse d’un régime d’assurance maladie sociale, un modèle qui gagne de plus en plus en importance car il a le potentiel d’intégrer les pauvres et les groupes à faibles revenus. À l’instar de nombreuses études sur la non-adhésion, les facteurs socio-économiques s’a...

    55,75 €

  • Employabilité des jeunes déscolarisés
    Matthieu Ettien Afforo Guy
    Après la prospérité économique des années 1960-1980 où l’emploi abondait, la Côte d’Ivoire plonge dans une crise de récession économique à partir des années 80. Aussi, la succession de crises (Crise militaro-politique de 2002, crise post-électorale de 2011) va ralentir la lancée économique et réduire considérablement les opportunités d’emplois dans le pays. Cette situation occa...

    111,74 €

  • Avaliação da Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos em Imperatriz-MA
    Elza Ribeiro Dos Santos Neta / Jhonatan Oliveira Silva
    A destinação adequada dos rejeitos oriundos das diversas atividades humanas constitui um grande desafio para a sociedade. Assim, esta pesquisa investiga sobre a atuação da gestão de resíduos sólidos no município de Imperatriz de 2016 e 2017. Para tanto, fez-se inicialmente um levantamento bibliográfico, em seguida, foi realizada pesquisa de campo na Secretaria Municipal de Infr...

    60,20 €

  • Os Lava-Jatos e os Impactos Ambientais na Zona Urbana de João Lisboa
    Elza Ribeiro Dos Santos Neta / Willames Pereira Do Nascimento
    A água é recurso natural essencial para sobrevivência do ser humano, vem se tornando um bem de alto valor social e econômico. Em João Lisboa ao longo dos anos vários problemas relacionados ao consumo e desperdício de recursos hídricos oriundas das atividades desenvolvidas pelos lava-jatos no perímetro urbano da cidade. Assim, este trabalho objetivou analisar os lava-jatos e os ...

    60,32 €

  • Ambiente, Saúde e Qualidade de Vida
    Elza Ribeiro Dos Santos Neta / Reijane Sousa Almeida / Rozana Sousa Almeida
    Esta pesquisa aborda a temática ambiente, saúde e qualidade de vida com ênfase no abastecimento público de água no bairro Vila Vitória em Imperatriz-MA. A pesquisa tem como objetivo principal analisar a qualidade da água oferecida a população do bairro Vila Vitória, bem como identificar os motivos pelos quais os moradores não possuem água em suas torneiras durante todo o dia. P...

    60,44 €

  • Environmental Factors and Economic Development
    Huda Abdul Rahim Abdul Kadir
    Environmental factors around us are numerous, human, animal and plant affected by, and affect the activity and production capacity, and the economics of life affected by it in different aspects. The effect of these factors is reflected clearly on the General agriculture and include many kinds of products including greens, where it is most influenced by environmental conditions....

    60,26 €

    Dans ce petit ouvrage, Berthold DIMANDJA Lohese s’est servi des tableaux et des cartes pour présenter aux lecteurs, la position géographique de la RD CONGO, ses principales entités administratives et les particularités des quelques-unes de ses ressources naturelles. ...

    60,70 €

  • The Ancient History of the Earth
    Rev. Gerald Molloy
    'The progress of modern Science has given rise to not a few objections against the truths of Revelation. And of these there is none which seems to have taken such a firm hold of the public mind in England, and, indeed, throughout Europe generally, as that which is derived from the interesting and startling discoveries of Geology. Accordingly, when I was engaged, some years ago,...

    18,82 €

  • Морфометрия бассейна Карасу
    Али İмамоğлу / Мерве Ыıлмаз
    Территория исследования расположена на участке Центральный Кызылырмак региона Центральная Анатолия. Линии водного участка ручья Карасу ограничивают территорию исследования. Ручей Карасу, на котором расположена территория исследования, образует суббассейн реки Делис, одного из важных рукавов Кызылырмака. Ручей Карасу, простирающийся примерно в восточно-западном направлении, обра...

    61,63 €

  • Morphometrie des Karasu-Beckens
    ALİ İMAMOĞLU / Merve Yılmaz
    Das Untersuchungsgebiet befindet sich im zentralen Kızılırmak-Abschnitt der Region Zentralanatolien. Der Karasu-Bach begrenzt das Untersuchungsgebiet. Der Karasu-Bach, der das Untersuchungsgebiet bildet, ist das Teileinzugsgebiet des Delice-Flusses, eines der wichtigsten Nebenflüsse des Kızılırmak. Der Karasu-Bach, der sich ungefähr in Ost-West-Richtung erstreckt, zieht im West...

    61,57 €

  • Researching animal research
    Through a sustained and critical engagement with the histories, social relations and cultures surrounding animal research, this book asks what the sector can teach us about the relations between science, society and animals in the twenty-first century. ...

    51,71 €

  • The Malay Archipelago, Volume 1
    Alfred Russel Wallace
    Step into the world of scientific exploration and adventure with ’The Malay Archipelago, Volume 1’ by Alfred Russel Wallace. This literary masterpiece is a thrilling journey through the captivating landscapes and diverse cultures of the 19th-century Southeast Asia, as observed by one of the greatest naturalists of his time.Volume 1 of this extraordinary work chronicles Wallace’...

    41,60 €

  • The Malay Archipelago, Volume 2
    Alfred Russel Wallace
    Continue your exhilarating voyage through the untamed beauty and scientific wonders of Southeast Asia with ’The Malay Archipelago, Volume 2’ by Alfred Russel Wallace. In this second volume of his epic adventure, Wallace’s narrative unfolds with even more intrigue, discovery, and fascination.Volume 2 picks up where its predecessor left off, following Wallace’s captivating journe...

    41,60 €

  • Villa de El Arenal 1752
    Miguel Salgado Chinarro
    Gracias a Miguel Salgado Chinarro, Juez de Paz de El Arenal, encargado de transcribir el manuscrito Catastro de Ensenada de 1752, encontrado en los archivos municipales de este Ayuntamiento. Una ardua labor de varios meses de trabajo para descifrar y editar las 1372 páginas de las que consta el legajo original.El censo del Catastro de Ensenada nos ofrece una visión descriptiva ...

    20,00 €

  • The Science Behind Noah’s Flood
    Do you think you know about Noah’s Flood: where it occurred; when it occurred; whether it was a natural event; a world flood; and what happened after the flood? Then the answers in this book may surprise you! While there are many flood stories from around the world, this book focuses on Noah’s Flood as described in the Book of Genesis from The Old Testament.About 14,700 years a...

    33,40 €

  • Geography of Technology Transfer in China
    Chengliang Liu
    Technology transfer studies are usually framed through Economics and Management Sciences, but this volume Geography of Technology Transfer in China seeks to reveal the mechanism of technology transfer from the geographical perspective. It not only depicts the spatial evolution laws of glocal technology transfer networks, but also uses regression models to uncover the two-way ef...

    194,82 €

  • Town Geology
    Kingsley Charles
    'Town Geology' is a charming paintings authored via Charles Kingsley, a prominent 19th-century English author and clergyman. This literary masterpiece delves into the geological factors of various towns and cities in England. In his exploration, Kingsley unveils the geological wonders concealed within urban landscapes, offering a comprehensive account of rocks, minerals, and fo...

    12,14 €

  • Niedrigwasserstudie im Einzugsgebiet des Oued Réghaya
    Bahija Choukri
    Das 306 km2 große Wassereinzugsgebiet des Flusses Reghaya liegt im Hohen Atlas bei Marrakesch und gilt als eines der wichtigsten Unterbecken des Oued Tensift, das als eines der größten Wasserreservoirs Marokkos gilt. Leider ist dieses Gebiet sehr anfällig und anfällig für natürliche Bedingungen und menschliche Einflüsse. Die vorliegende Arbeit 'Niedrigwasser im Einzugsgebiet de...

    94,92 €

  • Studio delle acque basse nel bacino idrografico dell’Oued Réghaya
    Bahija Choukri
    Con una superficie di 306 km2 , il bacino idrografico di Réghaya si trova nell’Alto Atlante di Marrakech ed è considerato uno dei più importanti sottobacini dell’Oued Tensift, che è considerato uno dei principali bacini idrici del Marocco. Purtroppo, quest’area è molto fragile e vulnerabile alle condizioni naturali e agli impatti umani. Il presente studio, intitolato 'Low-water...

    94,86 €

  • Estudo das águas baixas na bacia hidrográfica de Oued Réghaya
    Bahija Choukri
    Com uma superfície de 306 km2, a bacia hidrográfica de Réghaya está situada no Alto Atlas de Marraquexe e é considerada uma das sub-bacias mais importantes de Oued Tensift, que é considerada um dos principais reservatórios de água de Marrocos. Infelizmente, esta zona é muito frágil e vulnerável às condições naturais e aos impactos humanos. O presente estudo, intitulado 'Baixas ...

    94,86 €

  • The Diversity of Wood and Non-Wood Forest Products
    The diversity of wood and non-wood forest products is enormous and reflected in their anatomical, physical and chemical properties as well as their potential applications. Special attention should be given to lesser-known species and even to invasive species, which may be profitable when properly managed, thereby decreasing the overexploitation of threatened species. Besides th...

    64,23 €

  • Uturuncos, Gedächtnisbildung durch Tourismus
    Andrea Florencia Castosa
    In diesem Beitrag wird eine Bewertung des kulturellen Erbes der jüngeren Geschichte des Nationalparks Aconquija vorgeschlagen, die mit der Guerillagruppe Uturuncos zusammenhängt, die 1960 im südlichen Teil der Yungas von Tucuman, in der gleichnamigen argentinischen Provinz, entstand. Die Geschichte dieser Guerillagruppe, der ersten in unserem Land, wird anhand von Interviews mi...

    53,85 €

  • Uturuncos, building memory through tourism
    Andrea Florencia Castosa
    This paper proposes an assessment of the cultural heritage of the recent history of Aconquija National Park, linked to the Uturuncos guerrilla group that emerged in 1960 in the southern part of the Yungas of Tucuman, in the province of the same name in Argentina. The history of this guerrilla group, the first to emerge in our country, is analysed through interviews with the nei...

    53,79 €

  • Uturuncos, le tourisme au service de la mémoire
    Andrea Florencia Castosa
    Cet article propose une évaluation du patrimoine culturel de l’histoire récente du parc national de l’Aconquija, lié à la guérilla des Uturuncos, apparue en 1960 dans la partie méridionale des Yungas de Tucuman, dans la province du même nom en Argentine. L’histoire de cette guérilla, la première à apparaître dans notre pays, est analysée à travers des entretiens avec les voisin...

    53,85 €

  • Утурункос, создание памяти через туризм
    Андреа Флоре Кастоса
    В данной статье предлагается оценка культурного наследия новейшей истории национального парка Аконкия, связанного с партизанской группой 'Утурункос', возникшей в 1960 г. в южной части горного массива Юнгас в провинции Тукуман, одноименной провинции Аргентины. История этой партизанской группы, первой возникшей в нашей стране, анализируется в интервью с соседями (пятью женщинами ...

    26,42 €

  • Uturuncos, costruire la memoria attraverso il turismo
    Andrea Florencia Castosa
    Il presente lavoro propone una valutazione del patrimonio culturale della storia recente del Parco Nazionale dell’Aconquija, legato al gruppo guerrigliero degli Uturuncos, emerso nel 1960 nella parte meridionale delle Yungas di Tucuman, nell’omonima provincia argentina. La storia di questo gruppo guerrigliero, il primo ad emergere nel nostro Paese, viene analizzata attraverso i...

    53,79 €

  • Uturuncos, construir a memória através do turismo
    Andrea Florencia Castosa
    Este trabalho propõe uma avaliação do património cultural da história recente do Parque Nacional Aconquija, ligado à guerrilha dos Uturuncos que surgiu em 1960 na parte sul dos Yungas de Tucumán, na província homónima da Argentina. A história deste grupo guerrilheiro, o primeiro a surgir no nosso país, é analisada através de entrevistas com os vizinhos (cinco mulheres e dois ho...

    53,79 €

  • Die Vorstellungen von Lehrern über Exkursionen
    Maria V. Francisco Mapatse
    Die Studie zeigt, dass die befragten Lehrer Schwierigkeiten mit dem Konzept der geografischen Bildung haben. Sie haben traditionelle Vorstellungen vom Geographieunterricht, bei denen der konzeptionelle Inhalt fragmentiert und weit von der umgebenden Realität entfernt ist, was dazu führt, dass ihr Verständnis brüchig, oberflächlich und für die Schüler wenig nützlich ist. Die Vor...

    53,60 €