Geografía humana

Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación / Geografía / Geografía humana (1246)

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Geografía Eliminar filtro Geografía humana Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Eco-History. an Introduction to Biodiversity and Conservation.
    D. Rotherham Ian / DRotherham Ian / Ian D. Rotherham / Ian DRotherham
    AN ACCESSIBLE INTRODUCTION TO BIODIVERSITY, CONSERVATION AND THE ECO-CULTURAL NATURE OF LANDSCAPESKey issues are addressed in short, focused chapters, supported by a detailed thousand-year timeline based on the British Isles.Rotherham is convinced that to conserve wildlife or ecology, and to heal the wounds of human impacts, we must understand our own history and how, over coun...

    50,84 €

  • Wild Things. Nature and the Social Imagination
    HISTORIES OF HUMAN CONSTRUCTIONS OF NATUREWild Things: Nature and the Social Imagination assembles eleven substantive and original essays on the cultural and social dimensions of environmental history. They address a global cornucopia of social and ecological systems, from Africa to Europe, North America and the Caribbean, and their temporal range extends from the 1830s into th...

    112,73 €

  • Tent City, Seattle
    Tony Sparks
    Transforms our understanding of being unhoused in the United StatesTent City 3 provides Seattle’s unhoused people with a place to create and sustain not just shelter but a home. In 2000 it became one of the first organized, peer-operated tent encampments in the city, a type of community that has become more common throughout the West Coast and the United States in the interveni...

    135,10 €

  • As Línguas Da Humanidade
    Gilson Vieira Da Cunha
    Este livro é o segundo de uma série de quatro, onde são abordadas as línguas da humanidade. Ao longo dos séculos muitos idiomas desapareceram, outros foram incluídos no rol dos ameaçados de extinção, outros mais foram descobertos e classificados. Línguas milenares têm sido estudadas e revitalizadas, como o velho hebraico e o grego katharévousa (katharévussa) . Algumas famílias ...

    13,89 €

  • Gendered Infrastructures
    Yaffa Truelove
    Brings together feminist and geographical approaches to the gendered dimensions of various types of infrastructure across the globe. The first book to take a feminist geographical approach to infrastructure, Gendered Infrastructures delves into the complex relationships between identity, social relations, and infrastructure. By drawing on feminist scholarship to enable new fra...

    40,18 €

  • The Faith That Transcends Humanity
    Ishaq Mir
    In the universe created by nature, which embraces billions of human beings, countless elements spread hatred and hence drive away the harmony between the universe and nature. The universe is in danger due to the negative thinking of such anti-human elements. Since the universe nourishes us all equally, to spread hatred is like biting the hand that feeds us. If human beings livi...

    6,19 €

  • The Complex Landscape of Asylum and Refuge in Europe
    Parihar Maninder
    'The Complex Landscape of Asylum and Refuge in Europe' is a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted challenges surrounding migration in Europe. The book, organized into fourteen chapters, delves into critical issues shaping the region’s asylum policies. From the nexus between migration pressures and terrorism concerns to the fate of irregular migration, it navigates throu...

    66,20 €

  • Researching animal research
    Through a sustained and critical engagement with the histories, social relations and cultures surrounding animal research, this book asks what the sector can teach us about the relations between science, society and animals in the twenty-first century. ...

    51,71 €

  • Geography of Technology Transfer in China
    Chengliang Liu
    Technology transfer studies are usually framed through Economics and Management Sciences, but this volume Geography of Technology Transfer in China seeks to reveal the mechanism of technology transfer from the geographical perspective. It not only depicts the spatial evolution laws of glocal technology transfer networks, but also uses regression models to uncover the two-way ef...

    194,82 €

  • Archaeology of Mountain Landscapes
    Arnau Garcia-Molsosa
    Explores mountain regions as cultural landscapes that have been shaped by long-term human-environment interactions. ...

    158,23 €

  • Escritos Do Delta
    José Marcelo Costa Dos Santos. Luiz Gonzaga De Sousa Filho
    Ao percorrer cada texto, o leitor poderá conferir diversos aspectos que compõem o universo deste local para lá de abençoado, suas origens, tradições, folclores, fauna, flora, personagens, mudanças, permanências, riquezas Todo um legado histórico e geográfico que é palco de tantos acontecimentos, uns não tão felizes, já, outros, extraordinários Palco de alegres encontros e parce...

    37,17 €

  • Abolishing Poverty
    Michelle Daigle / Sarah Elwood / Victoria Lawson
    Abolishing Poverty argues for a project of relationality that refuses the whiteness of liberal poverty studies and instead centers critiques of the poverty relation and political futures disavowed under liberal governance. In disrupting poverty thinking, the author collective opens space for diverse frameworks for understanding impoverishment and articulating antiracist knowled...

    33,71 €

  • Abolishing Poverty
    Michelle Daigle / Sarah Elwood / Victoria Lawson
    Abolishing Poverty argues for a project of relationality that refuses the whiteness of liberal poverty studies and instead centers critiques of the poverty relation and political futures disavowed under liberal governance. In disrupting poverty thinking, the author collective opens space for diverse frameworks for understanding impoverishment and articulating antiracist knowled...

    165,67 €

  • Comunista De Iphone!
    Reinaldo Sousa
    Certo dia, numa destas aulas que nos levam à discussão de algumas das ideias de Marx, um aluno perguntou:Você é um Comunista? . Este vocábulo, em função do momento político que vivíamos, estava em alta. Expressões como Vai pra Cuba, Você é um Comunista, O Brasil vai virar uma Venezuela etc., eram comuns. Não foi a primeira, e seguramente não será a última vez que alguém faz est...

    9,24 €

  • Amazônia
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    A incrível jornada do bandeirante Pedro Teixeira, pela unificação da Amazônia Brasileira A incursão militar e as missões religiosas garantiram a posse das terras. Com a expulsão dos franceses houve o início da Conquista. As batalhas físicas e espirituais encaminharam o povoamento para o mais completo sucesso do monopólio ibérico dessas grandes terras. A Amazônia é nossa! ...

    14,77 €

  • História Política De Castanhal
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    O texto deste livro não é ficcional. Mas os atos humanos tendem ao equívoco, se prestam a mais de uma interpretação. Por isso recomendo que considerem minhas afirmativas textualmente. Organizei este livro movido pelo desejo de registrar, antes que se percam, os fatos que resultaram na formação política e social do povo castanhalense. Os vestígios antigos de nossas origens são p...

    18,13 €

  • Leaving the field
    Through accounts of ethnographers’ various exits from the field, this book draws attention to an overlooked but essential part of the research process, and contributes to more general discussions of ethnography. ...

    169,56 €

  • História Do Povo Castanhalense
    Carlos Araujo
    Raridade. Texto de 1984, recuperado de um único livro encontrado.A HISTÓRIA e o POVO.Um dos objetivos principais do presente volume é dar a conhecer a verdadeira História de Castanhal. Então existe uma falsa história?Lamentável é dizer que sim!O organizador deste trabalho, o escritor Carlos, chamou para colaborar neste empreendimento José Guimarães, o que enriqueceu, muito, as ...

    9,44 €

  • Castanhal
    Carlos Araujo
    Raridade. Fac-símile da Edição de 1980.A História de Castanhal em 14 lições contribuição valiosa de CARLOS ARAUJO à historiografia do Município Modelo do Pará. Veio suprir uma deficiência, pois o estudante pouco, ou nada, sabe sobre as origens de seu povo. Este acontecimento terá, por valoroso aliado, o professor, pois ficou patente que não poderia ser manuseado pelos alunos c...

    9,89 €

  • Border images, border narratives
    This interdisciplinary volume written by experienced scholars in border studies explores the political role of images and narratives addressing borders, borderscapes and migration. The volume offers new methodologies to approach the political aesthetics of the border and related issues such as borderland identities and border-crossings. ...

    35,56 €

  • Etnodesenvolvimento, Propriedade Intelectual & Marajó
    Kildren André Cutrim Carvalho / Pantoja Rodrigues
    Este livro resulta da dissertação de mestrado de Kildren Pantoja Rodrigues, intitulada Propriedade Intelectual como instrumento do Etnodesenvolvimento: Oportunidades na Região imediata Soure-Salvaterra, Marajó, Pará, orientada pelo Professor Doutor André Cutrim Carvalho, defendida e aprovada em 2022, no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão dos Recursos Naturais e Desenvolvimento...

    11,11 €

  • Conscience, Human Nature and the Evolutionary Challenge
    Brian M. Johnson
    In this dissertation I will attempt to rebut some skeptical arguments in moral epistemology by appealing to philosophical resources in the work of some late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth century European philosophers. The skeptical arguments I will be countering are grounded in the perspective of contemporary biology. Put quickly, our evolutionary history is said to undermine...

    65,76 €

  • Paris in the Americas
    Carole Salmon
    Across centuries, France -and especially its capital city, Paris- established itself as a major source of influence across the Americas through colonization, diplomacy and political influence, but also through intellectualism and cultural productions of all sorts, either by imposition, exportation or as a trend of fashion via a bilateral transatlantic movement of people and ide...

    61,73 €

  • Why Human Society Will Collapse Before 2100
    Ross E. Goodrich
    Our dream to reach higher states of civility, equity, security, peace, and good health fades with each passing day. A wealth of information shows resource depletion, overcrowding, environmental degradation, economic disruptions, and all their attendant crises are irreversible and intensifying. Soon, much too soon, we will face an experience we understand in the abstract but ign...

    17,20 €

  • The World as Abyss
    David Chandler / Jonathan Pugh
    This book is about a distinctive ’abyssal’ approach to the crisis of modernity. In this framing, influenced by contemporary critical Black studies, another understanding of the world of modernity is foregrounded - a world violently forged through the projects of Indigenous dispossession, chattel slavery and colonial world-making. Modern and colonial world-making violently forge...

    18,92 €

  • Relações Disfuncionais
    Elias Daher
    Este livro tem o propósito de ajudar pessoas a compreenderem a experiência de uma relação tóxica, para que possam atenuar as marcas emocionais impostas pela convivência abusiva. Quem passa por isso, geralmente apresenta sintomas duradouros e intensos do trauma.A partir da experiência clínica, vamos abordar os principais aspectos que identificam um relacionamento disfuncional, b...

    9,66 €

  • Key Methods in Geography
    Covering both qualitative and quantitative methods, this is a new edition of the essential companion for human and physical geography students. The book has 8 brand new chapters and brings greater diversity of positionality and perspective to the volume. ...

    91,03 €

  • Key Methods in Geography
    Covering both qualitative and quantitative methods, this is a new edition of the essential companion for human and physical geography students. The book has 8 brand new chapters and brings greater diversity of positionality and perspective to the volume. ...

    251,98 €

  • A Conquista Da Amazônia
    Carlos Araujo Carujo
    A Jornada de Pedro Teixeira Unificação da Amazônia Brasileira A ocupação da Amazônia pelos portugueses teve, nas missões religiosas e nos fortes militares, papel predominante. A expulsão dos franceses marca o começo da Conquista. Guerras e povoamento garantiram o monopólio ibérico. O grande baluarte desta epopeia foi Pedro Teixeira, herói militar, estrategista, que expandiu os ...

    21,99 €

  • Man and Nature
    George P. Marsh
    After being appointed the United States Minister Resident to the Ottoman Empire in 1849, George P. Marsh had the opportunity to travel the world and visit the sites of ancient civilizations. Troubled by what he saw, Marsh came to the conclusion that these societies were victims of self-destruction and that the same fate could be in store for the nations of today. Moved to actio...

    20,52 €