Viajes y vacaciones

Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Viajes y vacaciones (24755)

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  • Wild Asia
    Val Saints
    'Wild Asia' is a fascinating journey through the richest and most diverse ecosystems on planet. From towering rainforests to majestic mountains, from mysterious deserts vibrant fresh waters, this book explores Asia’s extraordinary biodiversity intricate links between its myriad species habitats they call home. ...

    65,28 €

  • Famous Landmarks Coloring Book
    Thy Nguyen
    If you’re looking for a fun and educational way to explore famous landmarks around the world, the Famous Landmarks Coloring Book is a great choice for both adults and kids. This coloring book features maps of the world’s continents, with famous monuments from each region to color in.Here are some reasons why you should consider getting the Famous Landmarks Coloring Book:Educati...

    19,50 €

  • Famous Landmarks Coloring Book For Adults
    Thy Nguyen
    Coloring books are not just for kids anymore. Adults are also discovering the therapeutic benefits of coloring. The Famous Landmarks Coloring Book For Adults is a great way to relax and unwind while exploring the wonders of the world. Featuring maps of the world continents, this coloring book includes detailed country borders and capitals, as well as famous landmarks from aroun...

    20,07 €

  • INVESTIEREN SIE AUF SEYCHELLEN - Visit Seychelles - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Aufgrund ihrer einzigartigen Schönheit, der farbenfrohen kreolischen Kultur und des ganzjährigen Sommers sind die Seychellen als ideales Urlaubsziel bekannt. Im Laufe der Jahre wurde der Wert der Inseln jedoch auch in ihrem Engagement für den Umweltschutz, dem Wert ihrer AWZ, ihrer politischen Stabilität, ihren attraktiven Geschäftsbedingungen, ihrer dreisprachigen Bevölkerung,...

    90,58 €

  • Summer Vacation Coloring Book
    Thy Nguyen
    If you’re looking for a fun and creative activity for your kids during the summer break, then the Summer Vacation Coloring Book might be just what you need. This coloring book features a variety of relaxing nature scenes and beach-themed illustrations that will keep your kids entertained for hours. Here are some of the things you can expect from this coloring book:Beautiful ill...

    18,53 €

  • Queer Places
    Elisa Rolle
    2024 Updated Edition. More places, more photos. Queer Places included: Central Time Zone: Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee. Houses, Schools and Burial Places of LGBTQ key figures. Also LGBTQ architect projects and museums hosting LGBTQ artists. Including LGBTQ friendly hotels and restaurants. ...

    63,70 €

  • 记忆:Vol 6, No. 1
    《记忆》季刊的前身是2008年在中国大陆创办的电子刊物《记忆》,2019年在美国正式出版,纸版与电子版同时发行。期刊的主要内容为二十世纪中国的思想文化和历史研究,毛泽东时代的思想文化与文化大革命研究是期刊的重点与特色,同时配有学术之窗、读书评论、媒介艺术等栏目。季刊的作者群体主要为中国大陆主流思想之外的独立学者,他们的所述所评更贴切当代中国的现实。因中国大陆的特殊国情,编辑团队和撰稿人多为笔名。 ...

    42,36 €

  • 酸刺林:农民与政府与毛泽东的关系(天意)七卷下
    共产党1949年10月执政中国政府。毛泽东提出社会主义与资本主义两条道路的斗争。本书367位口述历史者解释,二十世纪七十年代末中国农民自主选择了分田单干,最终导致了1984年社会主义集体劳动组织人民公社的解体。用实际行动回应了毛泽东的主张。颠覆极权主义政权的最好办法,就是颠覆它的历史。摘编的政府档案证明,毛泽东去世后,新任国家领导人华国锋继续执行毛泽东的农村政策,对农民自发搞起的分田单干下令立即退回到集体组织。邓小平绕开华国锋的路线,取消了阶级斗争的意识形态和管制政策,为各类阶级敌人恢复公民身份,承认并允许农民搞起的包产到户。 ...

    36,36 €

  • 酸刺林:农民与政府与毛泽东的关系(棒棒队打人哩)五卷
    共产党1949年10月执政中国政府。毛泽东提出社会主义与资本主义两条道路的斗争。本书367位口述历史者解释,二十世纪七十年代末中国农民自主选择了分田单干,最终导致了1984年社会主义集体劳动组织人民公社的解体。用实际行动回应了毛泽东的主张。颠覆极权主义政权的最好办法,就是颠覆它的历史。第五卷(1966-1969),毛泽东点燃文化大革命这把火,烧到广大农村,党组织成立棒棒队,到各村棒打地主、富农、反革命分子、走资派,阶级斗争的新一轮运动持续了十年。 ...

    36,40 €

  • 酸刺林:农民与政府与毛泽东的关系(偷活)四卷下
    共产党1949年10月执政中国政府。毛泽东提出社会主义与资本主义两条道路的斗争。本书367位口述历史者解释,二十世纪七十年代末中国农民自主选择了分田单干,最终导致了1984年社会主义集体劳动组织人民公社的解体。用实际行动回应了毛泽东的主张。颠覆极权主义政权的最好办法,就是颠覆它的历史。注释考证,毛泽东试图通过三年大跃进激进的经济政策,实现他大国的野心。亿万农民对此采取了不合作,粮食产量连续三年下降。中共的计划成了泡影。但农民也付出了惨痛的代价,三年中农村非正常死亡人口至少在1368万以上。全国经济跌到建国后的最低谷。1960年下半年至1961年,毛泽东不得不恢复农民的自留地,不得不开放农村集贸市场,不得不取消公共食堂,不得不提高粮食等主要农产品收购价格。自此,直至1965年农民与政府间进入一种相持状态。 ...

    38,80 €

  • 酸刺林:农民与政府与毛泽东的关系(把口袋扔给你)二卷
    共产党1949年10月执政中国政府。毛泽东提出社会主义与资本主义两条道路的斗争。本书367位口述历史者解释,二十世纪七十年代末中国农民自主选择了分田单干,最终导致了1984年社会主义集体劳动组织人民公社的解体。用实际行动回应了毛泽东的主张。颠覆极权主义政权的最好办法,就是颠覆它的历史。第二卷(1949-1955),毛泽东下令要把粮食管起来,二百余种包括粮食在内的农业产品全部由政府统一收购,统一销售。直至1984年统购统销政策自动流产。亲历者说:把口袋扔给你,装满了算。 ...

    44,42 €

  • 南师附中文革备忘录
    南师附中曾被誉为中国第一中学,文革之前是教育部中学教育改革的四个试点学校之一。该校学生主要来自共产党干部的子女、知识阶层的子女,双方各占一半。 本书第一部分详细记录了该校文革两派学生,围绕「血统论」的争斗过程。 第二部分阐述了对文革的基本认识。其中民众普遍的「反迫害抗争」,起到了前所未有的破冰作用,是文革中最为重要的现象。所谓「十一年文革」是一个伪概念,目的在于淡化民众普遍的「反迫害抗争」的影响。 第三部分是该校文革小报、大字报等史料的释文。 本书是一所极具代表性的中学文革备忘录,麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,能带给读者一种身临其境的感受,是了解文革的一部活生生的资料。 ...

    36,51 €

  • 酸刺林:农民与政府与毛泽东的关系(不敢靠前)一卷
    共产党1949年10月执政中国政府。毛泽东提出社会主义与资本主义两条道路的斗争。本书367位口述历史者解释,二十世纪七十年代末中国农民自主选择了分田单干,最终导致了1984年社会主义集体劳动组织人民公社的解体。用实际行动回应了毛泽东的主张。颠覆极权主义政权的最好办法,就是颠覆它的历史。第一卷(1945-1948),西雁北地区土改现场,没收地主富农财产,遍地私刑,乱打乱杀。亲历者说:不仅要你的地,还要你的命。 ...

    36,55 €

  • INVERTIR EN SEYCHELLES - Visit Seychelles - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Debido a su belleza única, su colorida cultura criolla y su verano durante todo el año, Seychelles es conocida por ser el destino de vacaciones ideal. Sin embargo, a lo largo de los años, el valor de las islas también se ha encontrado en su compromiso con la protección ambiental, el valor de su ZEE, su estabilidad política, sus atractivas condiciones comerciales, su población t...

    70,81 €

  • INVERTIR EN SEYCHELLES - Visit Seychelles - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Debido a su belleza única, su colorida cultura criolla y su verano durante todo el año, Seychelles es conocida por ser el destino de vacaciones ideal. Sin embargo, a lo largo de los años, el valor de las islas también se ha encontrado en su compromiso con la protección ambiental, el valor de su ZEE, su estabilidad política, sus atractivas condiciones comerciales, su población t...

    90,56 €

  • Libro de colorear de chicas anime para adolescentes
    Sophia Caleb
    Presentando el 'Libro de Colorear de Anime para Adultos', un tesoro de ilustraciones adorables con temática de manga.Diseñado tanto para entusiastas del anime como para aficionados a colorear, es tu lienzo para personalizar el mundo del anime con tus colores.Por qué te encantará este libro:Obras Maestras del Manga:Sumérgete en 35 ilustraciones únicas de chicas anime adorables, ...

    26,10 €

  • Libro da Colorare Anime Girls per Adolescenti
    Sophia Caleb
    Ecco a voi 'Anime Coloring Book for Adults,' un tesoro di adorabili illustrazioni a tema manga.Progettato sia per gli appassionati di anime che per gli amanti del colore, è la vostra tela per personalizzare il mondo dell’anime con i vostri toni.Perché amerete questo libro:Capolavori del Manga:Immergetevi in 35 illustrazioni uniche di adorabili ragazze anime, ognuna in attesa de...

    26,10 €

  • Livre de Coloriage d’anime pour les filles
    Sophia Caleb
    Présentation du 'Livre de coloriage Anime pour Adultes', un véritable trésor d’illustrations adorables sur le thème du manga.Conçu pour les passionnés d’anime et les coloristes, c’est votre toile pour personnaliser le monde de l’anime avec vos couleurs.Pourquoi vous adorerez ce livre :Des Chefs-d’œuvre du Manga :Plongez-vous dans 35 illustrations uniques de filles d’anime adora...

    26,10 €

  • Le dolci tradizioni indiane
    Rishi Aggarwal
    Questa raccolta vi guiderà attraverso un viaggio culinario che celebra la grandissimatradizione indiana nel preparare i dolci, famosa in tutto il mondo. Le ricette sonomolto facili, adatte a tutti e per tutti i palati.Lasciatevi trasportare sulle note aromatiche dell’India! ...

    72,22 €

  • Le dolci tradizioni indiane
    Rishi Aggarwal
    Questa raccolta vi guiderà attraverso un viaggio culinario che celebra la grandissimatradizione indiana nel preparare i dolci, famosa in tutto il mondo. Le ricette sonomolto facili, adatte a tutti e per tutti i palati. Lasciatevi trasportare sulle note aromatiche dell’India! ...

    62,23 €

  • Il Newyorkese - Numero 1
    LuckyHorn Entertainment
    Benvenuti nel cuore della Grande Mela con 'IlNewyorkese'. La nostra rivista è il vostro passaporto per esplorare New York in un modo unico, tra narrazioni, sogni, segreti svelati e aspirazioni in divenire. In queste pagine, vivrete racconti autentici di chi ha scelto New York come casa o ne è eternamente affascinato. 'IlNewyorkese' vi condurrà attraverso aneddoti, storie di suc...

    19,16 €

  • The Adventures of Kathlyn (Esprios Classics)
    Harold MacGrath
    Harold MacGrath (September 4, 1871 - October 30, 1932) was a bestselling and prolific American novelist, short story writer, and screenwriter. He sometimes completed more than one novel per year for the mass market, covering romance, spies, mystery, and adventure. He was the first nationally known writer to be commissioned to write original screenplays for the new film industry...

    40,90 €

  • INVEST IN GABON - Visit Gabon - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Gabon is an upper-middle income country. The seventh largest oil producer in Africa, Gabon has long relied on oil and manganese to fuel its economic growth. In recent years, Gabon has sought to diversify its economy through the development of the tourism, agricultural, energy and pharmaceutical sectors, among others. Aware of the socio- economic benefits offered by information ...

    89,77 €

  • Viaggio aromatico in India
    Rishi Aggarwal
    Il bundle 'Viaggio Aromatico in India' offre un’esplorazione sensoriale unica nel cuore della cucina indiana. Unendo due libri straordinari, 'Spezie e aromi dall’India' e 'Strade saporite dall’India', questo insieme è un omaggio alla ricchezza e alla varietà dei sapori indiani. ...

    67,37 €

  • Viaggio aromatico in India
    Rishi Aggarwal
    Il bundle 'Viaggio Aromatico in India' offre un’esplorazione sensoriale unica nel cuore della cucina indiana. Unendo due libri straordinari, 'Spezie e aromi dall’India' e 'Strade saporite dall’India', questo insieme è un omaggio alla ricchezza e alla varietà dei sapori indiani. ...

    61,11 €

  • INVEST IN GABON - Visit Gabon - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Gabon is an upper-middle income country. The seventh largest oil producer in Africa, Gabon has long relied on oil and manganese to fuel its economic growth. In recent years, Gabon has sought to diversify its economy through the development of the tourism, agricultural, energy and pharmaceutical sectors, among others. Aware of the socio- economic benefits offered by information ...

    109,54 €

  • Kenya Unveiled
    Thomas Holmengren
    Embark on an unforgettable journey with 'Kenya Unveiled: A Safari Adventure,' a vivid photographic odyssey that captures the heart and soul of Kenya’s diverse landscapes and rich wildlife. From the shadow of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Amboseli to the sweeping plains of the Maasai Mara, this book is a tribute to the natural wonders and wildlife spectacles of one of Africa’s most enchant...

    99,90 €

  • INVESTIEREN SIE IN GABUN - Visit Gabon - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Gabun ist ein Land mit gehobenem mittlerem Einkommen. Als siebtgrößter Ölproduzent Afrikas ist Gabun seit langem auf Öl und Mangan angewiesen, um sein Wirtschaftswachstum voranzutreiben. In den letzten Jahren hat Gabun versucht, seine Wirtschaft unter anderem durch die Entwicklung des Tourismus-, Agrar-, Energie- und Pharmasektors zu diversifizieren. Gabun ist sich der sozioöko...

    109,52 €

  • INVISTA NO GABÃO - Visit Gabon - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    O Gabão é um país de rendimento médio-alto. Sétimo maior produtor de petróleo em África, o Gabão depende há muito tempo do petróleo e do manganês para alimentar o seu crescimento económico. Nos últimos anos, o Gabão tem procurado diversificar a sua economia através do desenvolvimento dos sectores do turismo, agrícola, energético e farmacêutico, entre outros. Consciente dos bene...

    89,77 €

  • Travel Coloring Book
    Thy Nguyen
    The Travel Coloring Book offers a delightful escape into a world of cheerful camper vans and scenic landscapes, designed to provide relaxation and stress relief.The scenic landscapes featured in the book transport you to peaceful settings such as tranquil lakes, majestic mountains, and lush forests, allowing you to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature.Coloring has been know...

    22,35 €