Psicología: emociones

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Psicología: emociones (1237)

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  • The Nine Faces of Fear
    Stephen J. Costello / Stephen JCostello
    This book, which draws on the principles and practices of philosophy, is packed full of sound, concrete advice and guidance from the wise of both East and West. It shows us how to become free of fear--that tyrant of the soul by living more from the Self than the ego. Dr. Costello details the dynamics of fear from the perspective of Advaita Vedanta--its forms and figures--before...

    20,37 €

  • The Nine Faces of Fear
    Stephen J. Costello / Stephen JCostello
    This book, which draws on the principles and practices of philosophy, is packed full of sound, concrete advice and guidance from the wise of both East and West. It shows us how to become free of fear--that tyrant of the soul by living more from the Self than the ego. Dr. Costello details the dynamics of fear from the perspective of Advaita Vedanta--its forms and figures--before...

    33,96 €

  • 抱住棒棒的自己
    编辑推荐  ★若你常常感到焦虑,这本书便为你而写★和情绪对话,与焦虑和解,你也可以从自我中获得力量。★武志红强烈推荐,'徐慢慢心理话'人气漫画,收录22篇心理咨询案例漫画,数万字文字解读,丰富有趣的心理学知识阐释。★硬核!篇篇有话题,章章有方法,涵盖情绪管理、个人成长、亲密关系、亲子关系四大热门话题,凝聚多位心理咨询师、学者多年的专业经验。★解压!22个专业心理学知识,带你走出情绪与关系的泥沼,与百万都市女性一起悦纳自我、慢慢成长。★轻松!2小时轻松读完,零基础心理解压书;大热的条漫风格,画面干净简单,画风温暖治愈;故事感十足,充满感染力。  内容简介 徐慢慢是一位36岁的心理咨询师,她有一个佛系的程序员老公老赵,活泼的9岁儿子小航。从2019年起,有上百万的读者在观看徐慢慢的故事,跟她一起接纳自己,松绑情绪。这是武志红团队所组建的一个虚拟漫画形象,...

    32,65 €

  • 完善人格:怎样弥补我们内心的缺失感?

    32,56 €

  • Meaning Matters
    David Chan
    This book is the third collection of essays by behavioural scientist Professor David Chan, most of which first appeared in The Straits Times. Endorsed by fifty leaders from different sectors, this book provides a powerful springboard for self-reflections, sense-making, internal and public discussions, and individual and collective actions. A common theme that runs through these...

    42,05 €

  • Hatched
    Sharon Wallen
    Imagine yourself in the midst of your busy, modern life. There you are - overwhelmed, perhaps even teetering on the edge of exhaustion - when your child asks to hatch a bunch of chicken eggs. Your blood pressure instantly skyrockets when you think of adding even one more thing to your list ... and a quick No falls from your lips.But what sort of miracles might spring forth if y...

    7,91 €

  • Psychic Empath Moral and Biological Basis of Emotional Empathy and Its Relationships with Religion, Altruism, and Sensitive Behavior
    Jim Colajuta
    Empathy is the ability to emotionally understand what other people are going through, see things through their eyes, and put yourself in their shoes. Essentially, it is placing yourself in the shoes of another person and experiencing what they are experiencing. When you witness someone suffering, you may be able to imagine yourself in their shoes and empathize with their situat...

    9,30 €

  • Emotional Intelligence 2.0
    Theresa Williams
    Why are so many people with high IQs and excellent academic achievements unsuccessful in life?Why do some people build social relationships with ease while others seem incapable of doing so?Have you ever found yourself in a situation where anxiety and fear overwhelm you to the point that you freeze up or are unable to make the right decision?The secret? EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE! ...

    16,65 €

  • Human Harmony
    Karishma D S
    Humans are considered slaves of emotions. It seems being happy is the only solution to everything. Is this even true? Does human even feel the right emotion? Some people might seem to react too much to any situation and some might not even give a thought. Discover the world of emotions, their true nature, and how they can help in sustenance. There is an emotion for every possib...

    11,55 €

  • I Saw The Devil
    Brendon Thutso
    "As I grow up, I realize that the devil is someone or something right here on earth, not just a man in hell with horns, a tail, and three eyes. Anything that blocks your road to progress is the devil. Anything and anyone who disrupts your state of well-being is the devil. If you have toxic friends in your circle who always see the worst in you, depress you, demean your self-est...

    7,37 €

  • The Life-Affirming Magic of Listening Like You Give a Crap
    Sandy Seymour
    Ever had someone chew you out for zoning out in the middle of a conversation?Ever felt like you just couldn’t focus on what someone was saying because you were FOMOing on your game, social media, or the latest Netflix binge sensation? Ever wondered why people get pissed at you, struggled to remember that thing you promised to do, or flunked a test because nothing the teacher sa...

    10,95 €

  • Anonymous Method
    Zahid Fayyaz
    We live in the age of the internet, where we spend most of our time socialising and connecting with people via social media rather than in person. Today we are so connected yet so lonely. We need instant gratification. We need instant results, and if something doesn’t work, we just replace it, be it people or things. This has left so many people broken, with no real person to t...

    15,74 €

  • Ainsi sois-je
    Nathalie Maggyd
    En me remémorant tous ces passages de ma vie pour les mettre noir sur blanc, je soigne le mal par le mal comme on pourrait le faire en homéopathie. Il s’agit d’une véritable libération, non par la parole mais bien par l’écriture. Cette remémoration affective, aussi douloureuse que nécessaire, va me permettre de passer outre mes tourments et mes démons et de tenter de tourner ...

    18,92 €

  • Logical Fallacies
    Beverly Pearl
    Danny finds an abandoned baby crow and takes care of it. The crow, now attached to Danny, follows him to school every day. The other students jokingly refer to the crow as 'Danny’s Dog'. Logical Fallacies begin to unfold when a bully pushes Danny down. Through a variety of logically fallacious exchanges, Danny is blamed and punished for starting the fight. During a second encou...

    34,03 €

  • The Revolutionary Art of Love From Romantic Love to Global Compassion
    Bianca Briciu
    The Revolutionary Art of Love: From Romantic Love to Global Compassion offers a complex description of love as a personal emotion and as an intersubjective, ethical experience of connection. Its purpose is to deconstruct cultural myths about love, proposing instead a framework for understanding love’s contribution to the well-being of individuals and social systems. The uniquen...

    141,48 €

  • The Waiting Room
    Dominique Rispoli
    This is a book about longing. About waiting, the painful hours ticking by. About depression and anxiety so great they could crush you. It’s set in a season of waiting, and the author’s journey through that season. The ups, the downs, and everything she experiences along the way. The hope is that you’ll be able to see yourself in these pages and find validation and belonging bet...

    7,73 €

  • Revenge across Childhood and Adolescence

    140,84 €

  • The Waiting Room
    Dominique Rispoli
    This is a book about longing. About waiting, the painful hours ticking by. About depression and anxiety so great they could crush you. It’s set in a season of waiting, and the author’s journey through that season. The ups, the downs, and everything she experiences along the way. The hope is that you’ll be able to see yourself in these pages and find validation and belonging bet...

    18,66 €

  • Critical theory and feeling
    Simon Mussell
    This book examines the vital role of affect and feeling within the work of the early Frankfurt School. The author investigates a range of concepts - including melancholia, hope, (un)happiness, objects, and mimesis - and argues that a contemporary reading of critical theory needs to accommodate an adequate understanding of affect. ...

    37,33 €

  • The Five-Minute Coach
    Lynne Cooper
    The Five-Minute Coach offers a simple, step by step guide on how to coach quickly and effortlessly to get amazingly better results at work. Short, punchy and easy to read, the user can swiftly learn this innovative and effective tool for improving performance.Designed for leaders, managers and supervisors in any setting, The Five-Minute Coach is a ground-breaking approach to co...

    24,21 €

  • la corazón
    Raed El-Younsi / Roxana Cabut
    Este libro lo escribimos conjuntamente dos personas, basándonos en la Comunicación NoViolenta, para ser coherentes con lo que proponemos: respetar e integrar lo diferente.Aquí encontrarás reflexiones y formas de actuar que han dado claridad a nuestra vida, además de sembrar confianza y comprensión en nuestras relaciones.Queremos compartir lo que nos ha ayudado a ir:-del estrés ...

    15,00 €

  • High Self-Esteem & Confidence Mastery
    Andrew Walker
    Leave behind all the negative self-talk and use these simple steps to make even your wildest dreams come true...'Look at how pretty she is, too bad I’ll never be able to look like that.''Dude that guy is jacked man, I wish I could have muscles like him.''She’s way too good looking for me, I never get the girl I want anyways, why bother?'Do any of the above statements sound fami...

    27,54 €

  • Rage
    Thedor Itten / Theodor Itten
    Helpful insights into an unpredictable emotion.  This book on sudden attacks or fits of rage, first published in German in 2007, takes us on a multi-layered, interesting journey through the cultural history and social psychology of this unpredictable emotion.  It gives answers to thequestions: Where does rage come from? How does rage manifest itself? And what can we do about it...

    25,65 €

  • Boredom
    Anthea Peries
    Boredom: How To Overcome Feeling Bored Discover Over 100 Proven Ways To Beat Apathy  You know that feeling of boredom, apathy, or lack of interest are killers. Life is meant to be lived but at some point in time, we all suffer from fatigue, indifference, lethargy and monotony. The sheer tedium of life can make us feel detached from what is going on around us. With a global pand...

    15,53 €

  • Dominio de la inteligencia emocional
    James W. Williams / James WWilliams
    Dominio de la inteligencia emocional es una colección de 5 libros diseñados para ayudarlo a lidiar con el desarrollo emocional, las relaciones interpersonales, ser más atractivo e influyente, mejorar sus habilidades de comunicación y generar confianza en todos los aspectos. La combinación de los siguientes 5 libros le ayudará a alcanzar el éxito y la felicidad en la vida. ·    ...

    40,03 €

  • Dominio de la inteligencia emocional
    James W. Williams / James WWilliams
    Dominio de la inteligencia emocional es una colección de 5 libros diseñados para ayudarlo a lidiar con el desarrollo emocional, las relaciones interpersonales, ser más atractivo e influyente, mejorar sus habilidades de comunicación y generar confianza en todos los aspectos. La combinación de los siguientes 5 libros le ayudará a alcanzar el éxito y la felicidad en la vida. ·    ...

    38,19 €

  • Introvert Success Program
    Anton Huber
    Introverted persons usually are seen as less performing and successful. Contrasted by extroverted maker types they are often only a second choice in business and career. They are neglected and not even noticed. BUT this is not justified: Some of the most successful managers are introverted.Learn how you as introverted person can reap the success you deserve. Use your strengths ...

    12,38 €

  • El monstre de gel
    Ramon Andreu Anglada / Rosa Vergés
    El doctor Ramón Andreu explora els camins poc transitats de la ment amb la mirada curiosa, perspicaç, sensible i aguda pròpia dun cineasta. Sendinsa en els misteris de lànima humana en el seguiment del procés esperançador de sanació que implicarà els lectors en una aventura que els absorbirà i motivarà a reconèixer les pròpies pors, necessitin o no teràpia o bé si estan prop de...

    20,00 €

  • ... Y el dolor nos dio sus frutos
    Susana Galperin
    Palabras que parten de la aceptación de que hay otros seresque tienen posibilidades diferentes de desarrollo, que nece - sitan ayuda y comprensión, tiempo y paciencia, amor y respeto en su legítimo crecimiento, aunque este sea distinto delde los demás. 10 ...

    13,15 €

  • Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself
    Chris Thurman / Ph.D. Chris Thurman / Ph.DChris Thurman
    Everyone of us struggle with faulty ways of thinking that damage our emotional health, relationships with others, and spiritual growth and development. One of the most toxic and destructive ways we view reality is to think in terms of how things should or shouldn’t be, something that keeps us from accepting the difficult things that come our way and coping with them properly. T...

    14,46 €