Otras ramas de la medicina

Medicina / Otras ramas de la medicina (22762)

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    Центрическое отношение является одной из основных тем стоматологии в целом и ортопедической стоматологии в частности. Концепция cr возникла в связи с поиском воспроизводимого восстановления положения нижней челюсти. С более глубоким пониманием движений нижней челюсти концепция передне-верхнего положения головки мыщелка может измениться в будущем. В книге рассматриваются различн...

    60,32 €

  • Therapeutischer Ayurveda - Strategien Für Die Wirksame Behandlung Von Schmerzen
    Luan Ferr
    Dieses erste Kompendium über die Ayurveda-Medizin stellt eine tiefgreifende Erkundung des jahrtausendealten Wissens der Ayurveda-Medizin dar, einem traditionellen medizinischen System, dessen Wurzeln vor 5.000 Jahren in Indien liegen. In seinen Seiten sind sorgfältig Prinzipien, diagnostische Methoden und Therapien zusammengestellt, die darauf abzielen, eine wirksame Behandlung...

    14,42 €

  • Breaking Free
    Dominik Rainer
    Brechen Sie jetzt mit dem Rauchen! ’Breaking Free: Die Rauchfrei-Revolution’zeigt Ihnen den Weg! Entdecken Sie eine einzigartige Methode mit professioneller Selbsthypnose in nur 30 Tagen rauchfrei zu werden.Erfahren Sie, wie andere Raucher erfolgreich aufgehört haben. Inspirierende Erfolgsgeschichten zeigen Ihnen, dass es möglich ist.Lassen Sie sich von echten Erfolgsgeschichte...

    30,74 €

  • Pain Control with EMDR
    Mark Grant
    The 8th revised edition of this research-based manual describes how to use EMDR in the treatment of chronic pain. Includes a review of role of trauma and attachment problems in pain, neurological aspects of pain, Theoretical model of pain based on Accelerated Information Processing Model, step by step EMDR pain protocol, including detailed notes and tips for each stage, key dif...

    50,60 €

    Charles Foxtrot
    This is one journey describing several unimaginable battles in a global war.Why were we the ones who woke up to the greatest crime against humanity, when so many did not, and some, perhaps, never will? Mainstream news propaganda, gaslighting, psyops, a freakshow. Welcome to a Clown World, one in which we are battling against the Cognitive Dissonance of those with Stockholm Synd...

    22,70 €

  • Overcome Social Anxiety
    Derek Alexander
    Do you avoid attending social gatherings?Are you afraid of interacting with other people?In this case, it is very likely that you are experiencing symptoms of social anxiety.Anxiety disorders affect 40 million people in the United States. That means that one in five people are affected by an anxiety disorder. If you suspect that you may be showcasing symptoms of anxiety, you ma...

    24,23 €

  • Relaciones saludables de pareja
    Vanessa Herrera
    Una pareja es un sistema interactivo y abierto donde se relacionan personas con historias personales complejas y singulares, con expectativas, intereses, valores, experiencias, creencias y costumbres culturales muy diversas. En este libro, la psiquiatra Vanessa Herrera-Lopez brinda pautas para reconocer una relación saludable y prevenir la violencia emocional y sexual en el ent...

    14,48 €

  • Faith and Healing
    M. Nickleson Jr. Ed D Battle
    'Faith and Healing: Navigating Religion in Clinical Practice' is a thought-provoking exploration of the multifaceted relationship between faith, spirituality, and healing in clinical practice. This book takes readers on a captivating journey through the rich tapestry of religious beliefs and spiritual practices that have shaped human experience throughout history.It highlights ...

    16,37 €

  • Unlocking Me
    Inez Sobczak
    Unlocking Me offers an honest, hopeful look at the pain of addiction-and the way out. ...

    15,72 €

  • As Deusas Gregas E O Inconsciente
    Amanda Meschiatti & Heryck Sangalli
    Atena, Ártemis, Héstia, Hera, Deméter, Perséfone, Hécate e Afrodite como as principais deusas da mitologia grega conversam com o nosso inconsciente ainda hoje?Neste livro, você vai conhecer (e identificar) como essas deusas se expressam na sua mente, nas suas emoções e padrões de comportamento. Um primeiro passo para organizar o caos, ganhar perspectiva e se reconectar com o s...

    21,59 €

  • Let Her Speak
    Rebecca Pittenger
    A clinical psychologist lets herself speak when she tells her own trauma narrative in an indie graphic novel. Drawing on her education and training in psychology, she embarks on a journey into her own psyche in order to exorcise an abusive ex-boyfriend from 20 years ago. Fasten your seat belts: This trip is trippy. ...

    33,76 €

  • Cradled in the Arms of Compassion
    Frank Rogers Jr.
    Selected as one of the Best Spiritual Books of 2023 by Spirituality and Practice'This is an amazing book that I couldn’t put down once I started it. -Richard Schwartz, PhD, developer of the Internal Family Systems model'You were like this once. What did you do to get better?' A day out from a mental institution, a woman devastated by flashbacks from childhood trauma poses this ...

    27,29 €

  • Pflanzliche Arzneimittel als Therapeutika bei Diabetes mellitus
    Raja Chakraverty / Tatini Debnath
    Ziel des Buches ist es, die Verwendung verschiedener pflanzlicher Arzneimittel bei der Behandlung von Diabetes mellitus zu verbreiten. Da es sich um eine Stoffwechselstörung handelt, die im Wesentlichen durch Glykosurie, Hyperlipämie und Hyperglykämie gekennzeichnet ist. Die jüngsten Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Behandlung von Diabetes mellitus beschleunigen sich, aber die L...

    48,51 €

  • Medicamentos à base de plantas como agentes terapêuticos na Diabetes Mellitus
    Raja Chakraverty / Tatini Debnath
    O objetivo do livro é divulgar a utilização de vários medicamentos à base de plantas no tratamento da Diabetes Mellitus. Uma vez que se trata de uma doença metabólica caracterizada basicamente por glicosúria, hiperlipemia e hiperglicemia. Os recentes avanços no campo do tratamento da Diabetes mellitus estão a acelerar, mas os efeitos a longo prazo das novas moléculas de fármaco...

    48,43 €

  • Le droghe vegetali come agenti terapeutici nel diabete mellito
    Raja Chakraverty / Tatini Debnath
    Lo scopo del libro è quello di diffondere l’uso di vari farmaci vegetali nel trattamento del diabete mellito. Si tratta di un disturbo metabolico caratterizzato fondamentalmente da glicosuria, iperlipemia e iperglicemia. I recenti progressi nel campo del trattamento del diabete mellito stanno accelerando, ma gli effetti a lungo termine delle nuove molecole farmacologiche compor...

    48,43 €

  • Médicaments à base de plantes comme agents thérapeutiques dans le diabète sucré
    Raja Chakraverty / Tatini Debnath
    L’objectif de ce livre est de faire connaître l’utilisation de diverses plantes médicinales dans le traitement du diabète sucré. Il s’agit d’un trouble métabolique caractérisé par la glycosurie, l’hyperlipémie et l’hyperglycémie. Les progrès récents dans le domaine du traitement du diabète sucré s’accélèrent, mais les effets à long terme des nouvelles molécules médicamenteuses ...

    48,51 €

  • Препараты растительного происхождения как терапевтические средства при сахарном диабете
    Раджа Чакраверти / Татини Дебнатх
    Цель книги - распространить информацию о применении различных растительных препаратов для лечения сахарного диабета. Поскольку это метаболическое расстройство, характеризующееся гликозурией, гиперлипемией, гипергликемией. Последние достижения в области лечения сахарного диабета ускоряются, но длительное действие новых лекарственных молекул вызывает различные побочные эффекты и ...

    26,29 €

  • Clinical Features of COVID-19 in Elderly Patients
    This reprint 'Clinical Features of COVID-19 in Elderly Patients' is a crucial resource dedicated to the medical challenges posed by the pandemic, with a specific focus on its impact on elderly people. Given their vulnerability, understanding the clinical aspects of COVID-19 in this demographic is paramount. This reprint compiles a wide array of studies and current knowledge tai...

    64,26 €

  • Effects of Polyphenol-Rich Foods on Chronic Diseases
    Polyphenols are a group of bioactive compounds in plant foods that have been gaining attention since the 1990s due to their health implications. However, it is still difficult to define their implications concerning health maintenance and chronic disease prevention or even treatment. There are many difficulties in their study, with the first being the fact that this group of co...

    99,13 €

  • Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management of COPD and Asthma
    Koichi Nishimura
    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disorder characterized by airflow limitation and is one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity across the globe. Although several guidelines have been published over the past three decades, they were generated in response to the fact that COPD is a major cause of mortality and morbidity and remains an important social pr...

    81,74 €

  • ALL IN
    Jefferson K. Rogers
    Become the person others emulate. In his early thirties, Jefferson Rogers was broke, addicted, and on the verge of losing everything he had built. Things had to change. He had to change. In ALL IN, Jefferson reveals how he flipped the switch on his addictive tendencies and channeled them toward a life of progress, positivity, and peace of mind. With a roadmap based on the meth...

    16,39 €

  • Tales From The Other Side Of The Couch
    Amanda Cortez
    This book was inspired by my own experience as a therapist. In recent years, there have been many advances in the field of psychology and as such, there have been more opportunities for therapists to positively impact the lives of others. In my work, I have been fortunate enough to help people from all walks of life to move beyond the struggles that hold them back and find mean...

    25,30 €

  • Exfoliative Zytologie bei oralen Läsionen
    Aarti Mahajan / Snehal Diwate / VAIBHAVI SALUNKHE
    Dieses Buch ist der exfoliativen Zytologie gewidmet und beginnt mit einer kurzen Einführung in die exfoliative Zytologie. Die folgenden Kapitel befassen sich mit den derzeit verfügbaren Techniken, den Zweigen der Zytopathologie, dem Verfahren, den jüngsten Fortschritten in der exfoliativen Zytologie, der Anwendung bei oralen Läsionen und der Analyse des Abstrichs. Dieses Buch w...

    59,46 €

  • Citologia esfoliativa nelle lesioni orali
    Aarti Mahajan / Snehal Diwate / VAIBHAVI SALUNKHE
    Questo libro è stato dedicato alla citologia esfoliativa e inizia con una breve introduzione alla citologia esfoliativa. I capitoli successivi trattano le tecniche attualmente disponibili, le branche della citopatologia, la procedura, i recenti progressi nella citologia esfoliativa, l’applicazione nelle lesioni orali, l’analisi dello striscio. Questo libro sarà utile ai ricerca...

    59,39 €

  • Citologia esfoli
    Aarti Mahajan / Snehal Diwate / VAIBHAVI SALUNKHE
    Este livro foi dedicado à Citologia Esfoliativa e começa com uma breve introdução à citologia esfoliativa. Os capítulos seguintes tratam das técnicas atualmente disponíveis, dos ramos da citopatologia, do procedimento, dos avanços recentes em citologia esfoliativa, da aplicação em lesões orais e da análise do esfregaço. Este livro revelar-se-á útil para os investigadores no dom...

    59,39 €

  • Einfluss von Sport und Ernährung auf die Raucherentwöhnung
    I. Llorca Marauri
    Es gibt zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Belege für die positiven Auswirkungen der Raucherentwöhnung auf die Gesundheit im Allgemeinen und auf die sportliche Praxis im Besonderen. In diesem Beitrag soll der Prozess jedoch aus der entgegengesetzten Perspektive betrachtet werden, d. h. es soll analysiert werden, welchen Einfluss die Einführung positiver Verhaltensweisen auf die Perso...

    53,60 €

  • Influenza dello sport e dell’alimentazione sulla cessazione del fumo
    I. Llorca Marauri
    Esistono numerose evidenze scientifiche sui benefici che lo smettere di fumare ha sulla salute in generale e sulla pratica sportiva in particolare. Tuttavia, l’obiettivo di questo articolo è quello di guardare al processo da una prospettiva opposta, ovvero analizzare l’influenza che l’introduzione di comportamenti positivi può avere sulla persona immersa nel processo di abbando...

    53,60 €

  • Influência do desporto e da nutrição na cessação do tabagismo
    I. Llorca Marauri
    Existem provas científicas abundantes sobre os benefícios que deixar de fumar tem para a saúde em geral e para a prática desportiva em particular. No entanto, o objetivo deste artigo é olhar para o processo de uma perspetiva oposta, ou seja, analisar a influência que a introdução de comportamentos positivos pode ter na pessoa imersa no processo de deixar de fumar. ...

    53,60 €

  • Neue Deodorant-Lotion und After-Shave-Creme und -Gel
    Abdulkarim Alzomor / Nahlah Noman
    Der zunehmende Wettbewerb und die Bedrohung der pharmazeutischen und kosmetischen Industrie im Hinblick auf die Aufrechterhaltung eines kontinuierlichen Umsatz- und Einkommenswachstums bedeuten, dass in Zukunft diejenigen Unternehmen erfolgreich sein werden, die über ein Produktportfolio verfügen, das in der Lage ist, ein Mengenwachstum zu erzielen. Um ein Volumenwachstum zu er...

    68,41 €

  • Produzione di nanoparticelle da organismi biologici e terapia dei tumori
    Nebras Rada Mohammed
    Il libro è stato scritto sull’uso di metodi biologici nella produzione di nanoparticelle, compreso l’uso di microrganismi e l’uso di piante. In questo libro sono state discusse molte applicazioni mediche, tra cui quelle nel campo della salute e della cura, tra cui quelle nel campo della diagnosi e quelle nel campo della somministrazione di trattamenti nel luogo di destinazione,...

    59,02 €