
Matemáticas y ciencia / Matemáticas (17727)

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  • Les polyèdres
    Gladys Milagros Rondán Trocones
    L’objectif de ce livre est de diffuser l’analyse de l’organisation mathématique liée à l’objet mathématique polyèdre en se basant sur la Théorie Anthropologique de la Didactique (TAD). Il contient également une compilation de l’analyse de l’objet mathématique polyèdre dans les manuels de l’école primaire publiés au Pérou de 1965 à nos jours, dans laquelle sont présentés les dif...

    54,17 €

  • The Polyhedra
    Gladys Milagros Rondán Trocones
    The purpose of this book is to disseminate the analysis of the mathematical organization related to the mathematical object polyhedra based on the Anthropological Theory of Didactics (TAD). Likewise, it has a compilation of the analysis of the mathematical object polyhedra in the textbooks of primary education disseminated in Peru from 1965 to the present, in which the differen...

    54,11 €

  • I poliedri
    Gladys Milagros Rondán Trocones
    Lo scopo di questo libro è diffondere l’analisi dell’organizzazione matematica relativa ai poliedri oggetto matematico sulla base della Teoria Antropologica della Didattica (TAD). Contiene anche una raccolta dell’analisi dei poliedri oggetto matematici nei libri di testo della scuola primaria pubblicati in Perù dal 1965 a oggi, in cui vengono presentati i diversi aspetti temati...

    54,17 €

  • Os poliedros
    Gladys Milagros Rondán Trocones
    O objetivo deste livro é divulgar a análise da organização matemática relacionada com o objeto matemático poliedros, com base na Teoria Antropológica do Didático (TAD). Contém também uma compilação da análise do objeto matemático poliedros nos manuais escolares do ensino primário publicados no Peru desde 1965 até à atualidade, na qual são apresentados os diferentes aspectos tem...

    54,17 €

  • Byrne’s Euclid
    Oliver Byrne
    The Elements and its many editions tell a story of remix and reuse across cultures and millennia. Its tradition of being the most reprinted and readapted mathematical text in history continues today.In modern times, The Elements has become renowned for its beauty and design. Attention to its aesthetics first appeared in 1847 with Oliver Byrne’s famous redesign. Byrne’s edition ...

    70,20 €

  • Byrne’s Euclid
    Oliver Byrne
    The Elements and its many editions tell a story of remix and reuse across cultures and millennia. Its tradition of being the most reprinted and readapted mathematical text in history continues today.In modern times, The Elements has become renowned for its beauty and design. Attention to its aesthetics first appeared in 1847 with Oliver Byrne’s famous redesign. Byrne’s edition ...

    52,22 €

  • Master Functional Skills Maths Entry Level 2 - Student Book
    Marsida Horeshka
    Master maths at Entry Level 2 with this all-in-one book. Each topic is explained in a clear and straightforward way, followed by numerous practice questions from everyday contexts. The book includes exam-style questions and a practice paper at the end. Covering all topics in-depth in 226 pages, this book helps you prepare for the exam, further study and independent living. ...

    21,11 €

  • Master Functional Skills Maths Entry Level 1 - Student Book
    Marsida Horeshka
    Master maths at Entry Level 1 with this all-in-one book. Each topic is explained in a clear and straightforward way, followed by numerous practice questions from everyday contexts. The book includes exam-style questions and a practice paper at the end. Covering all topics in-depth in 165 pages, this book helps you prepare for the exam, further study and independent living. ...

    19,67 €

  • Princípio De Resistência Dos Materiais
    Cleber Cosme Bueno
    O foco desta obra é apresentar ao leitor a determinação dos esforços, das tensões e deformações que os corpos sólidos estão sujeitos, através de teorias e exercícios resolvidos ...

    10,72 €

    Seit einigen Jahrzehnten ist die Welt auf der Suche nach Ersatz für konventionelle Energiequellen. Die Wissenschaft ist auf der Suche nach nachhaltigen, zuverlässigen und wirtschaftlichen alternativen Energiequellen. In der Physik, der physikalischen Chemie und dem Ingenieurwesen ist die Fluiddynamik eine Teildisziplin der Strömungsmechanik, die die Strömung von Fluiden - Flüss...

    60,52 €

    Depuis quelques décennies, le monde est à la recherche de substituts aux sources d’énergie conventionnelles. La communauté scientifique est à la recherche de sources d’énergie alternatives durables, fiables et économiques. En physique, chimie physique et ingénierie, la dynamique des fluides est une sous-discipline de la mécanique des fluides qui décrit l’écoulement des fluides ...

    60,52 €

    В последние десятилетия мир ищет замену традиционным источникам энергии, а научное сообщество - устойчивые, надежные и экономичные источники альтернативной энергии. В настоящей книге рассматривается тепло- и массообмен жидкости при наличии химической реакции с эффектом скольжения. В физике, физической химии и технике гидродинамика является поддисциплиной механики жидкости, опис...

    26,54 €

    Negli ultimi decenni il mondo sta cercando di sostituire le fonti di energia convenzionali e la comunità scientifica è alla ricerca di fonti di energia alternative sostenibili, affidabili ed economiche. In fisica, chimica fisica e ingegneria, la fluidodinamica è una sottodisciplina della meccanica dei fluidi che descrive il flusso dei fluidi: liquidi e gas. Ha diverse sottodisc...

    60,44 €

    Nas últimas décadas, o mundo tem procurado substituir as fontes de energia convencionais e a comunidade científica tem procurado fontes de energia alternativas sustentáveis, fiáveis e económicas. O presente livro apresenta um estudo do fluxo de transferência de calor e massa de um fluido na presença de uma reação química com efeitos de deslizamento. Em física, físico-química e ...

    60,44 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 4-B Worktext, Canadian Version
    Taina Miller
    Math Mammoth Grade 4-B worktext (Canadian version) is the student worktext for the latter half of the 4th grade math, and part of Math Mammoth complete curriculum for fourth grade. The book starts out with the topic of division. The focus is on learning long division and using division in word problems.In the geometry chapter, students first revise area and perimeter, and then ...

    30,42 €

  • O Código Da Vida
    João Batista De Oliveira
    O Código da Vidaé uma obra revelada que nos convida a decifrar os enigmas mais profundos da existência humana. Atravessando os domínios da ciência, filosofia e espiritualidade, o livro explora os princípios fundamentais que governam a vida, desvendando os segredos ocultos que moldam nosso ser e destino. A jornada começa com uma exploração aprofundada da lógica, revelando sua im...

    9,08 €

  • Core Mathematics for High Schools
    Kojo Awer Quainoo
    Core Mathematics for High School gives a fresh and easy approach for solving difficult high school level mathematics problems. By going through basic concepts in algebra, numbers, trigonometry, kinematics and more, this book allows the student to gradually build on their understanding and confidence in tackling tricky mathematics problems, regardless of the topic. Each chapter ...

    91,36 €

  • Дефицит воды в Тунисе
    Сейфеддин ЛАХДХАР
    Нехватка воды является хронической проблемой Туниса на протяжении десятилетий. Это бедствие нарушает социальную стабильность, препятствует созданию рабочих мест и, как следствие, мешает борьбе с безработицей и бедностью.Нехватка воды также оказывает пагубное влияние на развитие внутренних регионов страны, которые на протяжении десятилетий находились в маргинальном положении. Пр...

    26,48 €

  • Scientific Legacy of Professor Zbigniew Oziewicz
    Dedicated to the memory of the late Professor Zbigniew Oziewicz from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, the book consists of papers on a wide variety of topics related to the work of Professor Oziewicz, which were presented at the special conference on Graph-Operads-Logic (GOL 2021), selected through peer review to promote his scientific legacy.Professor Oziewicz was a gr...

    244,74 €

  • Water shortages in Tunisia
    Seifeddine LAKHDHAR
    Water scarcity has been a chronic problem in Tunisia for decades. It is a scourge that disrupts social stability, hampers job creation and consequently hampers the fight against unemployment and poverty.This shortage also has a negative impact on the development of the country’s inland regions, which have been marginalized for decades. The causes of this chronic shortage are of...

    60,38 €

  • Escassez de água na Tunísia
    Seifeddine LAKHDHAR
    A falta de água é um problema crónico na Tunísia há décadas. Trata-se de um flagelo que perturba a estabilidade social, dificulta a criação de emprego e, consequentemente, a luta contra o desemprego e a pobreza.Esta escassez tem igualmente um impacto negativo no desenvolvimento das regiões do interior do país, marginalizadas desde há décadas. As causas desta escassez crónica sã...

    60,38 €

  • Wasserknappheit in Tunesien
    Seifeddine LAKHDHAR
    Wasserknappheit ist ein chronisches Problem, mit dem Tunesien seit Jahrzehnten zu kämpfen hat. Sie stellt eine Geißel dar, die die soziale Stabilität stört, die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen bremst und somit den Kampf gegen Arbeitslosigkeit und Armut behindert.Der Mangel wirkt sich auch negativ auf die Entwicklung der seit Jahrzehnten marginalisierten Regionen im Landesinneren a...

    60,44 €

  • Carenza d’acqua in Tunisia
    Seifeddine LAKHDHAR
    La carenza d’acqua è un problema cronico in Tunisia da decenni. È un flagello che sconvolge la stabilità sociale, ostacola la creazione di posti di lavoro e di conseguenza la lotta alla disoccupazione e alla povertà.Questa carenza ha anche un impatto negativo sullo sviluppo delle regioni interne del Paese, che sono state emarginate per decenni. Le cause di questa carenza cronic...

    60,38 €

  • Reality Reloaded
    Melvin M Vopson
    The book 'Reality Reloaded: The Scientific Case for a Simulated Universe' caters to a diverse audience, including scientists, academics, students, and the general public.  The simulated universe hypothesis postulates that our reality is a simulated construct, much like a sophisticated computer programme or virtual reality simulation. In this scenario, the physical laws governin...

    25,53 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 5 Answer Keys, Canadian Version
    Maria Miller
    This book includes answers for Math Mammoth Grade 5-A and 5-B student worktexts (Canadian version), for all of the chapter tests, and for the cumulative reviews. The other parts of the curriculum may be purchased separately. ...

    26,15 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 5-A Worktext, Canadian Version
    Maria Miller
    Math Mammoth Grade 5-A Worktext (Canadian version) is the student book for the first half of grade 5, and part of the Math Mammoth Grade 5 complete curriculum. This is the Canadian version, which means the materials use mostly metric units, it is formatted to letter size, and large numbers are formatted with a space (e.g. 214 000). However, keep in mind that the 'Grade 5' refer...

    30,74 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 5-B Worktext, Canadian Version
    Maria Miller
    Math Mammoth Grade 5-B Worktext is the student book for the second half of grade 5, and part of the Math Mammoth Grade 5 complete curriculum. This is the Canadian version, which means the book uses mostly metric units, is formatted to letter size, and large numbers are formatted with a space (e.g. 214 000). However, keep in mind that the 'Grade 5' refers to the U.S. grade 5, an...

    32,04 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 5 Tests and Cumulative Reviews, Canadian Version
    Maria Miller
    Math Mammoth Grade 5 Tests and Cumulative Reviews (Canadian Version ) contains the chapter tests, end-of-year test, and cumulative review worksheets for Math Mammoth grade 5 curriculum. It does not contain answers; the answer key book may be purchased separately. ...

    17,49 €

  • Risolvere problemi di scienza e ingegneria di Gupta Transform
    Dinesh Verma / Rahul Gupta / Rohit Gupta
    L’obiettivo di questo libro, intitolato 'Solving Science and Engineering Problems by Gupta Transform', è quello di presentare le applicazioni di una nuova trasformata integrale, denominata trasformata di Gupta, per la risoluzione di problemi di valore iniziale in campo scientifico e ingegneristico. La trasformazione di Gupta è stata proposta negli ultimi anni dagli autori Rahul...

    69,72 €

  • Resolução de problemas de ciência e engenharia por Gupta Transform
    Dinesh Verma / Rahul Gupta / Rohit Gupta
    O objetivo deste livro, intitulado 'Resolução de Problemas de Ciência e Engenharia pela Transformada de Gupta', é apresentar as aplicações de uma nova transformada integral denominada transformada de Gupta para a resolução de problemas de valor inicial em Ciência e Engenharia. A transformação de Gupta foi apresentada pelos autores Rahul Gupta e Rohit Gupta nos últimos anos. Nes...

    69,72 €