Historia de la filosofía occidental

Humanidades / Filosofía / Historia de la filosofía occidental (3723)

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  • The Nature of Things
    Lucretius Lucretius
    De rerum natura (On the Nature of Things) is a 1st century BC didactic poem by the Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius with the goal of explaining Epicurean philosophy to a Roman audience. Lucretius presents the principles of atomism; the nature of the mind and soul; explanations of sensation and thought; the development of the world and its phenomena; and explains a variety o...

    36,76 €

  • An Excursion to Canada
    Henry David Thoreau (July 12, 1817 - May 6, 1862) was an American author, poet, philosopher, polymath, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, historian, and leading transcendentalist. He is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay Resistance to Civil Government (also known as Civil Diso...

    20,16 €

  • Marx, Epicurus, and the Origins of Historical Materialism
    Diego Fusaro / Anna Carnesecchi
    Diego Fusaro’s monograph on the influence of Epicurus on Marx’s thought is multilayered. It not only explains Epicurean thought and how it impacted the young Marx, but also manages to do unto Marx what Marx did unto Epicurus.Marx employed Epicurus’ critical stance toward Plato and Aristotle as an excuse, as it were, to drop not-so-subtle hints about the philosophy and politics ...

    80,30 €

  • Pompeii
    Fergus Mason
    Pompeii was one of most advanced cities of its time; it had a complex water system, gymnasium, and an amphitheater. Despite it's advancements, there was one thing it wasn't ready for: Mount Vesuvius—the volcano that led to its ultimate doom.  The 79 AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius was one of the worst disasters in all of European history. In a near instant, over 15,000 p...

    10,36 €

  • MerKaBa
    Dr Terri R. Nelson
    African Cosmology, Kemetic Science, Psychology Spirituality, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Social Thought/ What is the MerKaBa Energy Body of Light and what does it, the Great Pyramid, the Tree of Life, even Christmas, all have in common? This book seamlessly unites all of these symbols, so that our Consciousness may be Unitive. A Dimensional Shifting from The Linear Tree of Life an...

    39,23 €

  • Meditations
    Marcus Aurelius / George Long
    Unabridged private reflections of the Emperor of Rome, on how one is to exist in a world of chaos. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and in the most accepted translation by George Long, is a book that belongs on everyone’s shelf.A favorite of Bill Clinton and John Steinbeck, and influencer of many others for 2,000 years, it is as relevant today to those in power struggles over emp...

    6,43 €

  • J.D. Ponce sobre Sun Tzu
    J.D. Ponce
    Este apasionante ensayo se centra en la explicación y análisis de El Arte de la Guerra, de Sun Tzu, una de las obras más influyentes de la historia y cuya comprensión, por su complejidad y profundidad, escapa a la comprensión en primera lectura. Tanto si ya has leído El Arte de la Guerra como si no, este ensayo te permitirá sumergirte en todos y cada uno de sus significados, ab...

    16,13 €

  • Contos Do Jeremias
    Sherman Bueno
    Uma varanda aconchegante era como um ímã para os vizinhos do Senhor Jeremias, o proprietário daquele Sítio situado à beira de um córrego temporário, que a certa época brindava a todos com sua bela cascata de águas cristalinas. A varanda era palco para as narrativas hipnotizantes do anfitrião. ...

    20,95 €

  • The Harvard Classics
    This is a 100% accurate reproduction of Volume One of the landmark Harvard Classics series. This volume contains 'The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin,' by Benjamin Franklin, 'The Journal of John Woolman,' by John Woolman, and 'Fruits of Solitude,' by William Penn. The Harvard Classics went out of print more than fifty years ago. Here is your chance to own a brand new copy!Th...

    29,35 €

  • Romantizar el mundo
    Miguel Alberti
    Unir poesía y filosofía, arte y teoría del arte, pensamiento y práctica, fue uno de los proyectos centrales del Romanticismo alemán. Es probable que haya sido Novalis quien consiguiera llevarlo adelante de la manera más cabal, aportando en igual medida desde la teoría sobre la literatura y desde la creación literaria en sí. En esa intersección, Novalis procuró mostrar mediante ...

    20,80 €

  • J.D. Ponce on Aristotle
    J.D. Ponce
    This exciting essay focuses on the explanation and analysis of Aristotle’s The Nicomachean Ethics, one the most influential works in history and whose understanding, due to its complexity and depth, escapes comprehension on a first reading.Whether you have already read The Nicomachean Ethics or not, this essay will allow you to immerse yourself in each and every one of its mean...

    15,78 €

  • Res Publica и диктатура
    Алекса Роза Грациани
    Предметом данной книги являются концепции res publica и диктатуры в период перехода от Римской республики к империи. В форме обобщающего исследования она параллельно охватывает путь политики в период перехода от республиканского правления к автократической власти в Риме. Поэтому в ней рассматриваются характеристики институционального органа, управлявшего Республикой, грани дикт...

    40,73 €

  • Res Publica et dictature
    Alexandre Rosa Graziani
    Ce livre a pour objet les conceptions de la res publica et de la dictature lors du passage de la République romaine à l’Empire. Sous la forme d’une recherche de synthèse, il couvre en parallèle le cheminement de la politique pendant la période de transition du gouvernement républicain au pouvoir autocratique à Rome. Il examine donc les caractéristiques du corps institutionnel q...

    40,73 €

  • Res Publica und Diktatur
    Alexandre Rosa Graziani
    Gegenstand dieses Buches sind die Konzeptionen von res publica und Diktatur im Übergang von der Römischen Republik zum Kaiserreich. In Form einer Syntheseforschung deckt es parallel den Weg der Politik in der Zeit des Übergangs von der republikanischen Regierung zur autokratischen Macht in Rom ab. Dabei werden die Merkmale des institutionellen Gefüges, das die Republik regierte...

    40,73 €

  • Res Publica and Dictatorship
    Alexandre Rosa Graziani
    The subject of this book is the conceptions of res publica and dictatorship during the transition from the Roman Republic to the Empire. In the form of a synthesis research, it covers in parallel the path of politics during the period of transition from republican government to autocratic power in Rome. It therefore considers the characteristics of the institutional body that g...

    40,66 €

  • Res Publica e dittatura
    Alexandre Rosa Graziani
    L’oggetto di questo libro è la concezione della res publica e della dittatura durante la transizione dalla Repubblica romana all’Impero. Sotto forma di ricerca di sintesi, copre in parallelo il percorso della politica durante il periodo di transizione dal governo repubblicano al potere autocratico a Roma. Prende quindi in considerazione le caratteristiche del corpo istituzional...

    40,66 €

  • To Myself
    Marcus Aurelius / James G. Yorke
    'To Myself' presents a new translation of Marcus Aurelius’ timeless reflections. Translated with contemporary clarity by James G. Yorke, this version breathes new life into the philosophical musings of the Roman emperor, known for his stoic wisdom. Aurelius’ intimate thoughts offer guidance on virtue, reason, and the nature of the self, making this work as relevant today as it ...

    12,48 €

  • La filosofía francesa
    Édouard Le Roy / Henri Bergson
    En 1915, ya iniciada la Primera Guerra Mundial, Henri Bergson escribió el opúsculo titulado La filosofía francesa, para la Exposición Universal de San Francisco. Años después, en 1933, en otro contexto histórico muy complejo, reeditó con su discípulo Édouard Le Roy una nueva versión de la obra. Es así como Bergson pasó a formar parte de una larga tradición de pensadores que cul...

    12,48 €

  • Aristotle’s Quarrel with Socrates
    John Boersma
    Makes the case that the different stances Aristotle and Socrates take toward politics can be traced to their divergent accounts of friendship. ...

    126,85 €

  • History Of Famous Orators
    Marcus Tullius Cicero
    Cicero is considered to be Rome’s greatest orator and prose writer. His writing is some of the best classical Latin still in existence. Cicero introduced Rome to Greek philosophy and created the Latin philosophical vocabulary. This book contains two selections. Cicero’s Brutus or History of Famous Orators was written during the end of the civil war in Africa. It discusses all t...

    17,10 €

  • Philosophy in the Aristotelian-Thomist Tradition
    Daniel Lowery
    The Aristotelian-Thomist Tradition has long had an enduring place in the history of Western philosophy, so much so, in fact, that it is referred to as the Perennial Tradition. Written specifically for those who are in formation for service in the church, this essential text examines the metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics associated with the Aristotelian-Thomist Tradition and...

    23,90 €

  • Ancient Society
    Lewis Henry Morgan
    'Ancient Society: Researches in the Lines of Human Progress from Savagery, through Barbarism to Civilization' is a seminal work by American anthropologist Lewis Henry Morgan, first published in 1877. Morgan’s book is considered a foundational text in the field of anthropology, particularly in the study of social evolution and cultural development. The central theme of 'Ancient ...

    21,25 €

  • Hellenic Tantra
    Gregory Shaw
    Hellenic Tantra argues that scholarship on later Platonism has been misled by a dualist worldview. The theurgic Platonists in the school of Iamblichus (4th century CE) did not ascend out of their bodies to be united with the gods-as is the common belief-but allowed the gods to descend into their bodies. By comparing embodied deification in theurgy to Tantric traditions of embod...

    28,91 €

  • The Antichrist
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    The Antichrist is a classic German philosophy book by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, originally published in 1895.Although the work was written in 1888, its content made Franz Overbeck and Heinrich Köselitz delay its publication, along with Ecce Homo. The German title can be translated into English as either The Anti-Christ or The Anti-Christian, depending on how the Germ...

    14,34 €

  • The Socratic Dialogues
    Plato / Benjamin Jowett
    Embark on an unparalleled journey through the mind of Plato, one of history’s most influential philosophers. This comprehensive collection, divided into four distinct volumes, provides a sweeping overview of Platonic thought. From the probing questions of Socrates to the idealistic visions of Plato’s later works, each volume opens new insights into ethics, politics, metaphysics...

    29,78 €

  • The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle
    Aristotle / Robert Grosseteste
    A timeless exploration of virtue, morality and the pursuit of a flourishing life, The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle remains a cornerstone in philosophicalthought. Delving into the essence of human goodness and ethical conduct, this seminal work continues to inspire reflection on the principles that guideour actions and shape our character. ...

    26,96 €

  • Die Entstehung der klassischen arabischen Astronomie in der frühen abbasidischen Ära
    Nasser Bovoleti Ayash
    Die Völker des Nahen Ostens bildeten unter der Dynastie der Abbasiden trotz ihres vielfältigen Erbes eine identifizierbare Kultur mit einer eigenen Identität. Die Entwicklung der kulturellen und politischen Aspekte im Nahen Osten bietet eine Möglichkeit, die Gründe für bestimmte Tendenzen zu verstehen, die durch die Übersetzungsbewegung, die eine entscheidende Rolle spielte, na...

    46,57 €

  • The Path of Agathon
    'The Path of Agathon' emerges as a revolutionary text, skillfully reviving ancient philosophical principles to chart a course through the stages of consciousness. This insightful guide is more than a book; it’s a transformative tool for personal growth, aligning Platonic wisdom with the demands of the modern world. It stands as a testament to the timelessness of Plato’s teachin...

    160,94 €

  • Dante Alighieri et l’universalisme à travers sa monarchie
    Gustavo Leite Neves da Luz
    L’objectif de ce travail est de démontrer la grande contribution de Dante Alighieri à une théorie universaliste du droit international, à travers son œuvre politique Da Monarquia (La Monarchie), en analysant l’élaboration d’une monarchie universelle comme le seul moyen d’une paix possible entre toute l’humanité, avec l’intention de diviser le pouvoir du monde en temporel et int...

    49,68 €

  • Dante Alighieri und der Universalismus durch seine Monarchie
    Gustavo Leite Neves da Luz
    Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, den großen Beitrag von Dante Alighieri zu einer universalistischen Theorie des internationalen Rechts aufzuzeigen, und zwar durch sein politisches Werk Da Monarquia (Die Monarchie), in dem er die Ausarbeitung einer universellen Monarchie als einziges Mittel für einen möglichen Frieden zwischen der gesamten Menschheit analysiert, mit der Absicht, die M...

    49,68 €