Filosofía social y política

Humanidades / Filosofía / Filosofía social y política (10338)

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  • Les Thesmophories
    Furieuses contre Euripide qui a installé des soupçons à l’égard de toutes les femmes, les Athéniennes projettent de concerter leur vengeance pendant la fête des Thesmophories. Inquiet pour sa vie, Euripide envoie un de ses parents déguisé en femme pour espionner les comploteuses. Mais celui-ci se fait rapidement découvrir par ses réflexions misogynes et son ignorance des rites....

    9,93 €

  • La Paix
    Cinquième pièce conservée d’Aristophane, la Paix a été écrite peu après la mort du démagogue Cléon, partisan farouche de la guerre contre Sparte. Aristophane voit en ce décès une occasion favorable pour signer une paix durable avec les adversaires grecs d’Athènes. Il s’adresse donc à la population de la cité à travers cette histoire en essayant de démontrer, sur le ton comique ...

    9,96 €

  • Les Cavaliers
    Agoracritus, un vendeur de saucisses, est en concurrence avec Cléon pour obtenir la confiance et l’approbation de Démos, un vieillard qui incarne l’allégorie du peuple athénien. Après différentes épreuves, Agoracritus est jugé le plus digne de confiance et humilie ainsi le démagogue Cléon en restaurant la gloire de Démos. ...

    9,99 €

  • Les Akharniens
    Troisième comédie écrite par Aristophane après les Détaliens et les Babyloniens, Les Akharniens sont un plaidoyer en faveur de la paix. En effet, la pièce prend place dans la septième année de la guerre du Péloponnèse, qui oppose Athènes et ses alliés de la ligue de Délos à Sparte et sa ligue du Péloponnèse. Athènes est à la recherche de nouveaux soutiens.Aristophane défend la ...

    9,87 €

  • Les Grenouilles
    Excédé par la médiocrité des poètes athéniens du moment, le dieu Dionysos décide de se rendre aux Enfers, accompagné de son esclave Xanthias, pour chercher Euripide et le ramener parmi les vivants. Par mesure de précaution, il se déguise en Héraclès, puisque celui-ci a réussi à revenir vivant de l’au-delà. Après avoir envisagé les différents moyens d’accéder au monde des morts,...

    10,22 €

  • Ancient Greek Philosophers Plato Aristotle Collection
    Aristotle / Plato
    Nine classic works of Ancient Greek philosophersPlato’s Dialogues are a collection of philosophical texts in the form of conversations between various characters. Dialogues cover a wide range of topics, including ethics, politics, epistemology, and metaphysics, and are considered some of the most important works in the Western philosophical tradition. Providing a detailed and n...

    25,11 €

  • Ancient Greek Philosophers Plato Aristotle Collection
    Aristotle / Plato
    Nine classic works of Ancient Greek philosophersPlato’s Dialogues are a collection of philosophical texts in the form of conversations between various characters. Dialogues cover a wide range of topics, including ethics, politics, epistemology, and metaphysics, and are considered some of the most important works in the Western philosophical tradition. Providing a detailed and n...

    32,21 €

  • Socialism
    John Stuart MILL
    Socialism is a classic political science/political philosophy essay by John Stuart Mill. This venerable political science book contains the following excerpt from the introduction:It was in the year 1869 that, impressed with the degree in which, even during the last twenty years, when the world seemed so wholly occupied with other matters, the socialist ideas of speculative thi...

    12,65 €

  • Returning to Judgment
    Ben Turner
    Explores the importance of political judgment in the work of Bernard Stiegler, and argues his approach to judgment marks an important break with continental political thought. ...

    42,02 €

  • Tradition and the Deliberative Turn
    Ryan R. Holston
    Reframes the discussion of deliberative democracy in a unique fashion, approaching the debate as a historical conversation. ...

    42,20 €

  • Ecopolitics
    Gerard Kuperus
    Analyzes the different feelings, drives and instincts we have inherited from other species, to suggest a new understanding of ourselves as part of an eco-political community. ...

    127,07 €

  • The Emergence of Value
    Lawrence Cahoone
    Argues that truth, moral right, political right, and aesthetic value may be understood as arising out of a naturalist account of humanity, if naturalism is rightly conceived. ...

    126,63 €

  • Critical Theory from the Margins
    Saladdin Ahmed
    Putting at work a negative pedagogy centered around learning from unlearning, problematizes and boldly challenges today’s culturalist discourses, camouflaged racisms, and masked fascisms. ...

    127,00 €

  • Seeing Things Differently
    Peter Mulraney
    Peter Mulraney enjoyed a forty year career across education, banking and finance, and public administration before transitioning to a creative retirement of writing. As a crime writing mystic, he’s the author of more than thirty books, including several self-help titles.Seeing Things Differently is a collection of articles with a focus on rethinking the ways of the world. Origi...

    14,30 €

  • Critical theory and legal autopoiesis
    Gunther Teubner
    The first English-language collection of the work of one of Europe’s top legal sociologists, introducing his influential theories of societal constitutionalism and legal autopoiesis. ...

    43,57 €

  • Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of Socrates
    Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of Socrates is a classic philosophy collection by the great Greek philosopher, PlatoThe Apology of Socrates, written by Plato, is a Socratic dialogue of the speech of legal self-defence which Socrates (469-399 BC) spoke at his trial for impiety and corruption in 399 BC.Crito is a dialogue that was written by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. It dep...

    16,55 €

  • Anticipations
    H. G. Wells
    From distinguished British author H.G. Wells of War of the Worlds fame, Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human Life and Thought, better known as Anticipations, forecasts the evolution of 20th century society and the consequences of technology. Consisting of nine chapters, Wells first predicts the development of material forces such as tra...

    22,60 €

  • Essays
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Unique ElementsBiographical Sketch by Emerson’s son, Edward Waldo EmersonAbout the Author/TimelineA TIMELESS Literary Classic by RALPH WALDO EMERSON.Essays: First Series by AMERICAN author RALPH WALDO EMERSON is a book of essays first published in 1841 in the UNITED STATES.Twelve classic essays in this volume, from America’s philosopher of transcendentalism, are: History: Self-...

    10,31 €

  • Essays
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Unique ElementsBiographical Sketch by Emerson’s son, Edward Waldo EmersonAbout the Author/TimelineA TIMELESS Literary Classic by RALPH WALDO EMERSON.Essays: First Series by AMERICAN author RALPH WALDO EMERSON is a book of essays first published in 1841 in the UNITED STATES.Twelve classic essays in this volume, from America’s philosopher of transcendentalism, are: History: Self-...

    18,18 €

  • Essays
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Unique ElementsBiographical Sketch by Emerson’s son, Edward Waldo EmersonAbout the Author/TimelineA TIMELESS Literary Classic by RALPH WALDO EMERSON.Essays: Second Series by AMERICAN author RALPH WALDO EMERSON is a book of essays first published in 1844 in the UNITED STATES.Nine classic essays in this volume, from America’s philosopher of transcendentalism, are: The Poet, Exper...

    10,48 €

  • Essays
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Unique ElementsBiographical Sketch by Emerson’s son, Edward Waldo EmersonAbout the Author/TimelineA TIMELESS Literary Classic by RALPH WALDO EMERSON.Essays: Second Series by AMERICAN author RALPH WALDO EMERSON is a book of essays first published in 1844 in the UNITED STATES.Nine classic essays in this volume, from America’s philosopher of transcendentalism, are: The Poet, Exper...

    17,20 €

  • Twin Killers
    Muindi Fanuel Muindi
    Muindi Fanuel Muindi’s sixth book considers how, in the wake of the 'non-events' of emancipation and decolonization, 'global apartheid' and 'planetary ecocide' became the primary means and ends of the 'War on Terra' - the unnamable necropolitical war that racial capitalism has waged for five centuries against our planet and her multitudes. ...

    16,69 €

  • Islam and Secularism
    Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas
    Written 40 years ago, Islam and Secularism is one of the most creative and original works of a Muslim thinker in the contemporary Muslim world. The author deals with fundamental problems faced by contemporary Muslims and provides real solutions, beginning with a discussion on ’The Contemporary Western Christian Background’ in Chapter (I), followed by his analysis of the concept...

    25,15 €

  • Mill Selected Writings
    John Stuart MILL
    Three Books in One!This collection combines three of John Stuart Mill’s most recognized works into one convenient volume. Included in this book:On LibertyThe Subjection of WomenUtilitarianismOn Liberty presented one of the most eloquent defenses of individual freedom in nineteenth-century social and political philosophy and is today perhaps the most widely-read liberal argument...

    25,66 €

  • Bertrand Russell Selected Works Collection
    Bertrand Russell
    Five Books in One!This collection combines five of Bertrand Russell’s most recognized works into one convenient volume. Included in this book:The Problems of PhilosophyThe Analysis of MindWhy Men FightFree Thought and Official PropagandaPolitical IdealsIn The Problems of Philosophy, Bertrand Russell attempts to create a brief and accessible guide to the problems of philosophy. ...

    29,92 €

  • City of Man
    Jean-Luc Beauchard
    Why does life in society make us so unhappy? Why has civilization always been marked with social unrest? From the time of Plato, our greatest thinkers have understood that in order to confront the ills of the city, one must first look to the individual, to the maladies and discontents of the human soul. In this novel reading of Plato’s Republic, the insights of Nietzsche and Fr...

    33,98 €

  • City of Man
    Jean-Luc Beauchard
    Why does life in society make us so unhappy? Why has civilization always been marked with social unrest? From the time of Plato, our greatest thinkers have understood that in order to confront the ills of the city, one must first look to the individual, to the maladies and discontents of the human soul. In this novel reading of Plato’s Republic, the insights of Nietzsche and Fr...

    20,39 €

  • Just Discipleship
    Michael J Rhodes
    Many Christians and churches are rediscovering that God cares deeply about justice, but opinions abound as to what an approach to biblical justice might look like in contemporary society. What exactly does the Bible mean by justice, and what does it have to do with poverty, racism, and other issues in our world? More importantly, how do we become the kind of people who practice...

    35,71 €

  • Les Dieux
    Un homme qui philosophait de la bonne manière, c’est-à-dire pour son propre salut, me vint conter un jour une vision qu’il avait eue, et qui, disait-il, lui expliquait une longue suite d’erreurs énormes, et qui sont peut-être toutes vraies. Il se trouvait donc en wagon, laissant errer ses yeux sur un paysage de collines, lorsqu’il vit sur une des pentes, et grimpant vers un vi...

    12,97 €

  • Onze Chapitres sur Platon
    Il y eut entre Socrate et Platon une précieuse rencontre, mais, disons mieux, un choc de contraires, d’où a suivi le mouvement de pensée le plus étonnant qu’on ait vu. C’est pourquoi on ne peut trop marquer le contraste entre ce maître et ce disciple. La vie de Socrate fut celle du simple citoyen et du simple soldat, telle qu’elle est partout. On sait qu’il n’était point beau ...

    10,12 €