Filosofía: metafísica y ontología

Humanidades / Filosofía / Filosofía: metafísica y ontología (13143)

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  • The Belief in Personal Immortality
    Edmund Sidney Pollock Haynes
    A classic treatise examining personal immortality and the various beliefs surrounding it.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute...

    34,76 €

  • Le théatre de l’âme
    Edouard Schuré
    Le Théatre de L’âme 2 examine les principes spirituels de la philosophie hermétique. Schuré aborde les idées centrales de cette tradition ésotérique, telles que l’alchimie, le symbolisme et l’astrologie, et explore leur signification profonde pour la recherche spirituelle. Ce livre est une ressource inestimable pour ceux qui cherchent à comprendre les principes spirituels qui s...

    36,52 €

  • Cosmic Creation
    Sukumar Chatterji
    Cosmic Creation is a philosophical exploration of the origins and nature of the universe. Drawing on a range of religious and philosophical traditions, Sukumar Chatterji offers a thought-provoking meditation on the timeless questions of existence, purpose, and meaning.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civ...

    29,59 €

  • Philosophical Turns
    Robert Wess
    Philosophical Turns is a tour de force, a sophisticated and erudite book that not only captures the cognitive and emotive rhythms of the contemporary philosophical conversation surrounding speculative realism but also becomes a distinctive voice within that conversation. A reviewer can but adumbrate and applaud the density, complexity, and richness of the arguments Robert Wess ...

    44,60 €

  • Timaeus
    Timaeus is one of Plato’s dialogues and a philosophy classic, mostly in the form of long monologues given by Critias and Timaeus, written c. 360 BC. The work puts forward reasoning on the possible nature of the physical world and human beings and is followed by the dialogue Critias.Participants in the dialogue include Socrates, Timaeus, Hermocrates, and Critias. Some scholars b...

    15,48 €

  • Science and Myth
    Wolfgang Smith
    Unrecognized and unacknowledged as the fact may be, science too has its mythology. Starting with a profound clarification of this basic issue, Wolfgang Smith goes on to explain the metaphysical significance of scientific findings relating to visual perception, the relation of neurons to mind, and much else, leading to the central chapter on Stephen Hawking’s bestselling book, T...

    15,80 €

  • Science and Myth
    Wolfgang Smith
    Unrecognized and unacknowledged as the fact may be, science too has its mythology. Starting with a profound clarification of this basic issue, Wolfgang Smith goes on to explain the metaphysical significance of scientific findings relating to visual perception, the relation of neurons to mind, and much else, leading to the central chapter on Stephen Hawking’s bestselling book, T...

    27,97 €

  • A New Renaissance
    A New Renaissance diagnoses the urgent need for cultural change and renewal in today’s period of crisis in philosophy, science, and society - now even more pressing than when this volume was first published. Some six hundred years ago, the Florentine Renaissance took a huge leap forward into realism, rationality, and self-awareness. It was born from the waning authority of medi...

    23,44 €

  • A Tríade Dos Tempos
    Anderson Sathler Vieira
    Durante os últimos dias do Império Romano, riqueza e poder foram as únicas coisas que o imperador fez questão de defender e guardar. E os bons cidadãos do império - o que eles fizeram? Será que eles protestaram? Será que o povo gritou? Nada disso! Eles foram para o Coliseu. Eles preferiram adorar a distração dos ídolos da época, na arena de sangue, enquanto um homem mau, destru...

    8,04 €

  • What Have I Forgotten?
    Valentina Osinski
    Singer/songwriter/multi instrumentalist NYMPHYA is a Cinematic Art Pop artist who creates modern music for the ancient and mystical in you. This metaphysical, musical memoir traces the journey through the 7 stages of Spiritual Alchemy and the creative process of her songwriting, uncovering the esoteric messages of the Emerald Tablet behind the music in this companion book to he...

    38,22 €

  • La Confesión y la Guía
    Cintia C. Robles Luján
    En la actualidad, es innegable la presencia persistente de las voces y miradas femeninas en la filosofía, la literatura, la ciencia, la historia, a pesar de las restricciones morales, sociales, culturales y políticas que en su momento han padecido. La mujer ha sido capaz de conquistar y construir un cuarto propio de escritura como espacio vital y confesional. En La confesión: g...

    10,40 €

  • Process Mysticism
    Daniel A. Dombrowski
    Offers a process philosophical approach to mysticism and mystical religious experience. ...

    42,15 €

  • From Metaphysical Representations to Aesthetic Life
    Massimiliano Lacertosa
    Reevaluates Western and Chinese philosophical traditions to question the boundaries of entrenched conceptual frameworks. ...

    121,91 €

  • Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous
    George Berkeley
    Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous is a collection of three philosophical dialogues, in which the topics discussed are perceptual relativity, the conceivability/master argument and Berkeley’s phenomenalism.An extension of Berkley’s ideas, the work presents his philosophy in the form of dialogues. The author has presented arguments to prove the existence of god and that...

    15,72 €

  • Poiesis
    José Jeová Dos Santos Júnior
    Poiesis, coisas da alma é um livro de poesias, as mais diversas, que buscam no seu conjunto expressar os mais variados sentimentos da alma. É um convite a uma parada para deixar-se conduzir pela força criativa e criadora de uma alma sensível às coisas humanas. ...

    8,76 €

  • Consciousness in a Nutshell
    Jay Nelson / Lindy Nelson
    With a feverish pace and a candid eye for story, Consciousness in a Nutshell delivers an unforgettable account of what it means to be alive while, at the very same time, answering the question of all questions, once and for all: What is consciousness?Consciousness in a Nutshell is a work of psychological mastery. A 21st century portrait of Nature, Nirvana, and what it means to ...

    21,64 €

  • Cosmografías
    César Pineda Saldaña / Luis Fernando Mendoza / Mario Díaz Domínguez
    La idea de mundo puede ser pensada de múltiples maneras, pues nuestras ideas sobre el mundo emanan de diversas tradiciones y preocupaciones. Clara muestra de ello son las diversas formas en que este libro congrega una pluralidad de aproximaciones para reflexionar sobre lo que llamamos mundo. En medio de las diferencias de abordajes, tanto conceptuales como metódicos, los trabaj...

    28,08 €

  • Spinoza’s Religion
    Clare Carlisle
    A bold reevaluation of Spinoza that reveals his powerful, inclusive vision of religion for the modern ageSpinoza is widely regarded as either a God-forsaking atheist or a God-intoxicated pantheist, but Clare Carlisle says that he was neither. In Spinoza’s Religion, she sets out a bold interpretation of Spinoza through a lucid new reading of his masterpiece, the Ethics. Putting ...

    30,64 €

  • Dicotomia & Hólon
    Anderson Sathler Vieira
    o autor generalista explora as dualidades presentes em diferentes áreas do conhecimento, como filosofia, psicologia, ciência, espiritualidade e sociedade. Ele examina como essas dicotomias aparentes podem ser vistas como partes interconectadas de um todo maior, formando hólons - unidades que são simultaneamente partes e totalidades em si mesmas.Ao longo do livro, o autor oferec...

    8,81 €

  • Dicotomia & Hólon
    Anderson Sathler Vieira
    Dicotomia & Hólon: Por Entre Tópicos Análogos - Vol. 2é uma continuação envolvente e aprofundada da série que explora a interconexão entre dicotomias e o conceito de hólon. Neste segundo volume, o autor leva os leitores a uma jornada intelectual ainda mais desafiadora, mergulhando em novos tópicos análogos que revelam a complexidade intrínseca da existência humana.Com uma abord...

    8,54 €

  • Fundación Filosófica
    Surrendra Gagadean / Surrendra Gangadean
    Fundación Filosófica aboga por la claridad por encima y en contra de la falta de sentido, que está implícita en varias formas de escepticismo y fideísmo. A lo largo del libro, se aplica un análisis crítico a suposiciones no examinadas en las áreas de metafísica y ética para responder a disputas perennes. Las creencias básicas del naturalismo occidental, el idealismo oriental, e...

    24,55 €

  • Catecismos Da Maçonaria
    Alberto Feliciano
    A Maçonaria possui tradicionalmente um segredo que é passado de geração em geração através do costume de, através de perguntas e respostas, transmitir seus conhecimentos secretos. Somente aqueles que foram iniciados em seus mistérios possuem as respostas corretas às perguntas curiosas que são ministradas por seus dirigentes. O modo de se fazer perguntas e obter respostas tem si...

    12,08 €

  • The Five Ages of Humanity
    Gerald Heard
    Back in print after nearly 60 years!The Five Ages of Humanity (a revised and retitled edition of The Five Ages of Man) is the 1964 masterwork by influential author, historian, and philosopher Gerald Heard (1889-1971). Heard explores many parallels between the historical development of human consciousness and the life of an individual. He maintains there are five stages through ...

    18,65 €

  • Antropologia Teológica
    Antonio Gonçalves Sobreira
    Em Antropologia Teológica: o sentido metafísico do homem, mergulhamos em uma jornada fascinante que busca compreender a essência da humanidade sob uma perspectiva teológica. Ao longo desta obra, o leitor é conduzido por um estudo profundo sobre a Antropologia Teológica, desvendando suas origens, desenvolvimento histórico e sua relevância nos dias de hoje.Explorando o sentido me...

    7,59 €

  • Professor of Forgetting
    Greg Delanty
    The Professor of Forgetting, a new collection from the acclaimed Irish poet Greg Delanty, swings back and forth on the fulcrum of what we call 'now' and confronts our notion of how time passes. From the very first poem, 'Going Nowhere Fast,' which ponders whether we are now here or going nowhere, to the final selection, from which the book takes its self-reflective title, these...

    15,58 €

  • Heidegger’s Nietzsche
    José Daniel Parra
    This dissertation has the character of an untimely meditation on two key figures in the history of political philosophy. The thought of Martin Heidegger and of Friedrich Nietzsche pose, independently of one another and in theoretical proximity, some of the most pressing challenges to modern thought. Granted the provocative, quite often 'liminal' mode of reason and style of thes...

    67,07 €

    Patricia Cori
    HACKEANDO EL CÓDIGO DIOS'En una época de engaño universal,decir la verdad es un acto revolucionario'.-George OrwellLa civilización corre hacia una reescritura distópica de la sociedad global y del futuro de lahumanidad, escrita por un tiránico Nuevo Orden Mundial: el Gran Reseteo. Con la aparición delCovid-19 y todo lo que ha sucedido desde comienzos de 2020, la Big Pharma y la...

    18,66 €

    O.M. Kelly
    If you’re looking to unlock the hidden potential within you and transform your life, 'Decoding the Laws of the Universe' is the book for you. This powerful and insightful book is designed to help you understand the deeper, metaphysical aspects of life and tap into the transformative power of the universe utilising the secrets of our Individual Universal Law. This book serves to...

    21,91 €

  • O Livro Digital E A Difusão Conhecimento
    Fabiano Viana Oliveira
    EDU000000 EDU002000 EDU039000 EDU015000 PHI000000 PHI029000 PHI034000 Esta tese teórica afirma que no contexto da educação na contemporaneidade o livro acadêmico digital é um instrumento para a difusão social do conhecimento que acontece pela ação dos sujeitos nas relações de micropoder inerentes às relações entre professores e alunos numa comunidade acadêmica e que geram na su...

    10,41 €

  • The Philosopher’s Journey
    Lab Maharaj
    The Philosopher’s Journey: A History of Thought is a comprehensive and detailed exploration of the history of philosophy. This book traces the evolution of philosophical thought across cultures and time periods. It offers a rich tapestry of ideas and thinkers that have shaped our understanding of the world we live in.It allows readers embark on an intellectual journey that take...

    23,66 €