Fenómenos inexplicables/paranormales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Fenómenos inexplicables/paranormales (3128)

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  • Guide to Psychic Protection
    Rosemary Ellen Guiley
    Every day, people come in contact with negative forces – toxic individuals who radiate anger and hostility, energy “vampires” who suck up the vital force of others, and those who have grudges and resentments. In addition, hostile spirits and entities look for ways to pester and attach to people, creating havoc in lives and homes. Guide to Psychic Protection has everything you n...

    10,37 €

  • Inspiration & Wisdom
    Inspiration and wisdom is a powerful transformation book that contains 300 profound quotes that has motivated and inspired the author to take unstoppable action during the time of hardship and challenges in his life. The power of inspiration in these profound quotes has transformed his life and propelled his hunger to continuously follow his passion against all odds and challen...

    12,23 €

  • Lessons From The Other Side
    Michael T Vara
    In this book, Michael T. Vara tells his true accounts of his experience of the paranormal realm. Michael vividly retells his own personal heartfelt encounters in having an Out of Body Experience, but also his close exposure to spirits from the other side and his short connection to the unknown dimensional universe through the psychedelic drug LSD. All separate, but many inciden...

    8,30 €

  • Un étrange être-ange
    Ghislain Bourbon
    Le sujet de ce livre, c'est la rencontre avec soi-même. On a tous des petites voix qui connaissent le chemin et qui nous guident (certains les appellent des anges gardiens). Mais encore faut-il nous débarrasser de nos peurs, de nos frustrations qui nous entravent et nous empêchent de les entendre. Parfois il nous faut un gros choc pour réussir à réaliser que des petites voi...

    17,13 €

  • Shadows of Eternity
    Rick Kueber
    After an enlightening and terrifying adventure hundreds of miles from their home, the  paranormal research team of EVP investigations was prepared for a simple and peaceful round of  investigations to find more evidence documenting, and proving, life after death.  A new request had brought them to one of the last places they would have ever expected, a social club. Before the...

    10,34 €

  • Los Aliados de La Humanidad Libro Uno (The Allies of Humanity, Book One - Spanish Edition)
    Marshall Vian Summers
    Los Discursos de los Aliados de la Humanidad presentan una asombrosa nueva revelación sobre la Intervención extraterrestre encubierta y sobre cómo esta se está aprovechando del conflicto humano, de la discordia religiosa y del colapso medioambiental para causar más separación y controlar a una familia humana dividida. La llegada de fuerzas intervinientes de más allá de nuestro ...

    11,94 €

    George Noory

    19,08 €

  • The Cancer Path
    Paulette Kouffman Sherman
    The Cancer Path is a memoir/self-help book about a woman who views cancer as spiritual path. Dr. Sherman describes it as her 'Eat, Pray, Love' of cancer experience. As a psychologist, mother, wife and breast cancer survivor, Dr. Sherman viewed cancer as a zen stick that promoted self-care, healing and greater wholeness. It was a springboard to examine her body, mind, emoti...

    13,81 €

  • Alien Threat From the Moon
    Dylan Clearfield
    We may be in danger from our own moon. Hostile aliens have established numerous bases there and exercise complete control of this nearby neighbor. Using information found in secret alien files and never before seen photographs, hot spots of extraterrestrial activity on the moon are revealed in this book and close ups of extraterrestrial complexes, UFOs, and ancient cities are s...

    17,34 €

  • Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States
    Samuel FB Morse
    The Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, employed the Vatican, Austrian Prince Metternich and his St. Leopold Foundation to infiltrate the United States of America.  Samuel F.B. Morse spent several years in Europe, mostly near Rome, studying the actions and behaviors of the Jesuits, and conferring with dignitaries and others who had intimate knowledge of the Jesuits and their intri...

    25,55 €

  • Monkeys Don't Wear Silver Suits
    Rob Dollar / Tim Ghianni
    Two of America's most highly-regarded independent journalists - Rob Dollar and Tim Ghianni, also known as 'The News Brothers' - look into their crystal ball while exploring the legendary UFO case that helped shape the narrative for sightings of Little Green Men. It was a hot, clear summer night - Sunday, August 21, 1955 - when a flying saucer supposedly landed in Kelly, Kentuck...

    29,97 €

  • Ashen Plains
    Lilith A. Bennett
    From a young age, 16-year-old Wendy Warland has maintained an unusual friendship with the spirit of a young woman named Sybil. With the help of her ghostly companion, Wendy makes regular visits to the Ashen Plains; a world teeming with spirits. For much of her life, Wendy's repeated visits to this world were nothing more than an escape from a mundane life, but now things ar...

    12,34 €

  • The Dwarfs of Mount Atlas
    Robert Grant Haliburton
    Robert Grant Haliburton spent his last years proposing the existence of a distinctive tribal group of small stature within the Atlas Mountains and vicinity. He collected local stories and eyewitness accounts of this 'dwarf people,' debated critics, and published theories. These curious tales disappeared (or at least were never investigated fully) after Haliburton died, but he l...

    19,93 €

  • Visitantes de otras dimensiones
    Requejo Marcelino
    El veterano investigador de fenómenos anómalos Marcelino Requejo nos presenta los sucesos anómalos más extraños que ha investigado en los últimos años. Además de su habitual capacidad para atrapar al lector y estudiar exhaustivamente cada uno de los casos, Requejo muestra evidencias de que detrás de fenómenos aparentemente tan dispares se encuentran una serie de entidades de di...

    18,72 €

  • The Astral World - Higher Occult Powers
    Joel Tiffany
    Do you long to know what lies beyond the cosmos of this world? Have you always instinctively felt that there’s more to this world than meets the eye? Do you find yourself compelled to reach beyond the limitations of human experience to see what waits on the other side? If these questions resonate with you, then you might be ready for an astral projection experience!Then this li...

    13,67 €

  • 2034 Podcast Com Um Et
    Helius Arrais
    Esta obra é o registro das entrevistas realizadas no decurso de três meses, na cidade de Nova York, com um ser extraterrestre e sua peculiar forma de se manifestar.Tal viajante das estrelas veio cumprir a missão dada pela Confederação Intergaláctica, na retirada do véu que impede esta humanidade de perceber o sistema de controle que domina nossas vidas.Além de vastas informaçõe...

    12,37 €

  • Spirited
    Rebecca Rosen / Samantha Rose

    15,53 €

  • How to Mind-Reading
    James Coates
    Thought-reading is duly considered and explained. A clear distinction is drawn between Musculation, or Muscle and Mind-Reading; and although these pages are not confined to Thought-Reading, as generally understood by the public, the subject itself, and as an entertainment, have been pretty fully dealt with. During the past decade, psychological subjects have, in a remarkable wa...

    12,29 €

  • Miedo Terror y Angustia
    Ricardo Gallego
    En el oscuro rincón donde se entrelazan la realidad y la superstición, te invito a sumergirte en las páginas de 'Miedo,Terror y Angustia' un viaje épico que desafía la comprensión humana y se aventura más allá de los límites de lo conocido. Desde los temores infantiles que nos perseguían en las noches hasta las leyendas que han perdurado a lo largo de las generaciones, este lib...

    9,61 €

  • Angels @ My Bedside
    R.N. Sharon Deis / Sharon Deis R.N.
    This book tells true stories about real angel events that take place at an inner-city teaching hospital. Many nurses and doctors witnessed these amazing events, which happened at the bedsides of critically ill patients in the surgical intensive care unit. Three types of angel visits were experienced: (1) visits to comfort and bring indescribable peace, (2) visits to miraculousl...

    15,52 €

  • Poemas Malditos
    Klaus Lux
    Faz escuro, mas eu canto.Uma jornada noturna com poesia, bruxaria, reflexões e magia.P O E M A SM A L D I T O S ...

    16,64 €

  • Time Tags
    Yeshua Ruban
    As our societies becomes more engaged and controlled with Smart pocket realities of technology, we as humans are squaring off our minds, or senses and emotions to a gigabyte reality. Our richer engagements in our natural surroundings are filled with dimensional mysteries, esoteric magical moments, existential evolutionary awakenings that are just the surfaces of what we, the hu...

    16,39 €

  • Simon Evolução Da Consciência Divina, O Poder Interior
    Manoel Mozena Cavalcante
    Este livro contém informações que canalizo com um ser da Luz, multidimensional som o nome de Simon, que me ensina desde a minha infância até os dias de hoje, com informações que elevam a dignidade e a postura mental dos seres humanos perante uma vida nova,a Evolução da ConsciênciaO Poder Interior, que foram me ensinado e provados a realidade de um poder jamais imaginado pelos s...

    21,38 €

  • American Ghost Stories
    Michael A. Kozlowski
    Take an eerie road trip! A chilling collection of true ghost stories spanning every state in the United States with a full range of ghostly manifestations and haunted locations!From séeacute;ances to shiny graveyards, take a ghostly journey across the United States. Visit the highways and byways of the supernatural across the country and in each state in the union. American Gho...

    54,90 €

  • Werewolf Stories
    Brad Steiger / Nick Redfern
    From two respected authors, researchers, and experts on the unexplained and paranormal The definitive guide to werewolves in folklore and pop culture Prior editions sold a combined 35,000-plus units More than 250 werewolf and shape-shifter entries Werewolf folklore has been a part of every society in the world … including in the modern world Facts enhanced with compelling stori...

    56,63 €

  • Ghosts, Spirits, Monsters and Paranormal Entities from Asian Folktales and Mythology (Book 1)
    S. N. Linn
    Immerse yourself in the tales of eerie ghosts and mythical monsters from the heart of Asian folklore!In this first book of a trilogy, you’ll discover fascinating illustrations and intriguing legends about 100 spirits and paranormal entities from Asian folklore and mythology, including a twisted-legged ghost from Myanmar that haunts school restrooms, a shape-shifting monster fro...

    21,87 €

  • Presente Pra Mente
    Oilson Carlos Amaral
    PRIMEIRO LIVRO de poemas do Brasil escrito e também declamado.Declamações acessadas por QR codes.Incrívele inovadora obra para almas curiosas e buscadoras do conhecimento mais íntimo que o Universo Quântico Reativo possa liberar.Almas que se sentem desconfortáveis com a insustentável leveza das teorias contemporâneas oficialmente ensinadas.Se você é uma dessas almas, esta obra ...

    11,89 €

  • Abc Da Mitologia Grega
    Viktor D. Salis
    Sobre a função do mito no cotidiano arcaico e modernoNeste conjunto de 21 parábolas temos o desafio de resgatar seu papel em nossa vida e a compreensão do homem. Mas o que significa isso para nós do século XXI? Trata-se do resgate da paixão de viver e o entusiasmo como formas essenciais de recriar nosso cotidiano.Por outras palavras, o homem mítico é movido pela paixão de viver...

    19,28 €

  • Love Beyond Life
    Joel Martin / Joel W Martin / Joel W. Martin
    'Every time I feel sad or wish my brother was here to hug me, no matter where I am, I hear his favorite song on the radio.'More than one hundred million Americans claim to have had contact with the dead through deathbed visions, dream visitations, and otherwise inexplicable lifesaving premonitions. Is it possible to bridge the gap between our world and the hereafter and make co...

    14,54 €

  • Cryptid Tourism
    Sara Brooke Christian
    Monster hunting is more than just going out into the woods or hanging out in graveyards. The history and performance of monster hunting, from Alexander the Great to scientific expeditions of the Victorian era, can lead us directly to modern-day Bigfoot searches. Combining methods of scientific exploration with aspects of tourism theory demonstrates how monster-hunting is perfo...

    58,04 €