Cuestiones y procesos sociales

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociedad y cultura: general / Cuestiones y procesos sociales (10600)

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  • Formação Docente Numa Perspectiva Inclusiva
    Artur Mendonça
    EmFormação Docente numa Perspectiva Inclusiva: Memórias de um Pai Educador , Artur Mendonça compartilha suas experiências como professor especialista tanto no atendimento à pessoa com deficiência visual como na formação de docentes, destacando a necessidade urgente de uma mudança de paradigma no sistema educacional. Ele oferece propostas claras e práticas para a formação contin...

    7,03 €

  • Pensar la paz
    Paulina Monjaraz Fuentes
    Después de las dos guerras mundiales y la carrera armamentista en la que se anclan las potencias mundiales a mediados del siglo XX, es una exigencia replantearnos el concepto de Paz para poder proyectar el futuro de la humanidad. Así, Pensar la Paz, desde los años 60s, gracias a Johan Galtung, dio un giro de 360º al dejar de pensarla en negativo como la no-guerra y comenzar a p...

    13,52 €

  • Many Rivers to Cross
    Elaine P. Rocha
    Since the first contact with Europeans, the Americas have been a continent of immigrants as much as a continent of continuous migrations. Black migrations represent more than the transit of people between countries and regions and from rural areas to urban centers. It contributed to constructing networks that made survival possible, creating neighborhoods and cultural expressio...

    54,37 €

  • Revisiting Diaspora Spaces in India
    Joydev Maity
    This edited volume is a detailed and critical study of Indian diaspora writings and its diverse themes. It focuses on dynamics and contemporary perspectives of Indian diaspora writings and analyzes emerging themes of this field like the experience of the Bihari diaspora, migration to Gulf countries, the relation between diasporic experience and self-translation, uprootedness an...

    48,22 €

  • How the other half lives
    How the other half lives interrogates contemporary social and spatial inequalities in housing, urban design, place-making, austerity, notions of deservedness and transnational mobility. ...

    35,73 €

  • USCIS Writing Vocabulary for the Naturalization Test - U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Serv / USCIS
    The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has produced new reading Vocabulary Flash Cards to help immigrants study for the English reading portion of the naturalization test. These flash cards contain all the words found in the English reading portion of the naturalization test. The flash cards can be used in the classroom as an instructional tool for citizenship pr...

    10,06 €

  • Political Bodies
    The first edited volume solely dedicated to the philosophy of Adriana Cavaero. ...

    126,71 €

  • Gendered Infrastructures
    Yaffa Truelove
    Brings together feminist and geographical approaches to the gendered dimensions of various types of infrastructure across the globe. The first book to take a feminist geographical approach to infrastructure, Gendered Infrastructures delves into the complex relationships between identity, social relations, and infrastructure. By drawing on feminist scholarship to enable new fra...

    40,18 €

  • A Woman’s Philosophy of Woman
    Jenny P. d’Héricourt
    'To emancipate woman is not to acknowledge her right to use and abuse love; such an emancipation is only the slavery of the passions; the use of the beauty and youth of woman by man; the use of man by woman for his fortune or credit. To emancipate woman is to acknowledge and declare her free, the equal of man in the social and the moral law, and in labor. At present, over the w...

    17,76 €

    Joss Sheldon
    WE ALL DESERVE TO BE FREEOnce upon a time, we were free to go wherever we chose. It wasn’t so long ago. The history of humanity, is a tale of constant motion.People are supposed to move about. We have imaginations which encourage us to dream about life in other places, bodies which are built to roam, and hands which can make an array of vehicles. A few of us even possess the 'W...

    25,23 €

    Joss Sheldon
    WE ALL DESERVE TO BE FREEOnce upon a time, we were free to go wherever we chose. It wasn’t so long ago. The history of humanity, is a tale of constant motion.People are supposed to move about. We have imaginations which encourage us to dream about life in other places, bodies which are built to roam, and hands which can make an array of vehicles. A few of us even possess the 'W...

    16,86 €

    Joss Sheldon
    WE ALL DESERVE TO BE FREEOnce upon a time, we were free to go wherever we chose. It wasn’t so long ago. The history of humanity, is a tale of constant motion.People are supposed to move about. We have imaginations which encourage us to dream about life in other places, bodies which are built to roam, and hands which can make an array of vehicles. A few of us even possess the 'W...

    23,34 €

  • As Cinco Leis Da Educação Financeira
    Victor Lavagnini Barboza
    Conheça cinco grandes leis que vão te ajudar a se dar melhor com as suas finanças e contribuir para o seu caminho rumo à prosperidade ...

    6,38 €

  • Being Black in the Ivory
    Shardé M. Davis
    When Sharde M. Davis turned to social media during the summer of racial reckoning in 2020, she meant only to share how racism against Black people affects her personally. But her hashtag, BlackintheIvory, went viral, fostering a flood of Black scholars sharing similar stories. Soon the posts were being quoted during summer institutes and workshops on social justice, equity, div...

    126,77 €

  • Educação A Distância Na Pós-graduação
    Lázaro Ferreira
    O tema do presente estudo é a Educação a distância com foco na Pós-Graduação. O assunto é de fundamental importância devido à necessidade de entender como a modernização na educação, com as tecnologias de informação nas áreas de informática e telecomunicações ocasionaram mudanças na produção e na revolução do conhecimento. ...

    9,81 €

  • Como Ficar Rico Investindo Em Imóveis
    Paula Farias E Ricardo Rosa
    A tríade perfeita para geração de riqueza existe: ganhar dinheiro, poupar dinheiro e multiplicar dinheiro. Com base nessa combinação de sucesso milenar comprovado, os autores exploram a capacidade do mercado imobiliário em produzir e acumular fortunas.Com uma leitura leve, bem humorada e com muita história boa, o livro é, certamente, um dos melhores do segmento. ...

    12,07 €

  • What’s Wrong With The World
    G. K. Chesterton
    In the aptly titled treatise What’s Wrong With the World, one of the twentieth century’s most memorable and prolific writers takes on education, government, big business, feminism, and a host of other topics. A steadfast champion of the working man, family, and faith, Chesterton eloquently opposed materialism, snobbery, hypocrisy, and any adversary of freedom and simplicity in ...

    13,43 €

  • طوبى للغرباء
    Maha Saied
    يناقش الكتاب مفهوم الاستنباط والتأويل فيما يتعلق بفكرة القبول والإيمان، التعريفات متوفرة على الانترنت، لذلك لن تكون موضوع الكتاب، كيف تم تطبيق التعريف هو الموضوع، عبر الكتاب نناقش تلك المفاهيم بطرح مشكلات حياتية وقضايا راهنة لتوضيح مشكلات التطبيق بالأمثال وليس بالتعريف، كيف خالف التطبيق النظرية الأساسية التي يقوم عليها، قضايا النساء بين زواج وطلاق وتمييز (مَن أفضل؟ ومَن يفضل؟...

    27,47 €

  • Sex, Love, and Migration
    Bloch Alexia / Tsylinskii Vadim
    ENG: Sex, Love, and Migration complicates a narrative of women’s exploitation as a feature of migration in the twenty-first century, to argue that women’s mobility is marked not only by risks but also by personal and social transformation. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork spanning a decade (2002-2011), Alexia Bloch shows how women moving between the former Soviet Union and Tur...

    40,76 €

  • Fazenda De Ferro
    Niquerson Neves
    Aracelly é uma agrônoma de sucesso,dona de uma beleza radiante e uma inteligência admirável,esses atributos não a impedem de ser uma pessoa boêmia e fútil,por causa da ausência de seus pais.Perdeu a mãe na época do mestrado,e seu pai nunca foi tão próximo.Tudo muda,quando Aracelly recebe a notícia do falecimento do seu pai,herdando uma grande fortuna,além de ter que enfrentar p...

    11,89 €

  • Colombian Peasants in the Neoliberal Age
    Nazih F. Richani
    Presents a timely discussion of the core problems faced by peasant communities under neo-liberal economics. ...

    46,96 €

  • The Wait
    K. Vantassell / Katrina Vantassell
    After experiencing hardships encountered as a single teenaged parent, suffering the loss of a child to a Hit-and-Run, dysfunctional marriages, much adversity and ridicule, Katrina Vantassell found her life to be in dire straits. Alcohol binges became her temporary source of comfort. But, God used those storms to catapult her into the ministry that she was chosen to do.'THE WA...

    13,25 €

  • Secrets Within
    Sha’Lawn D. Williams
    First, I must give God all the Glory for carrying me from the age of four until nineteen. I’m grateful he taught me to forgive. Sexual abuse wants to rob your peace, your joy, and destroy relationships. In this book, I’m inviting you on my journey of learning how to confront pain that no child should have to carry alone. I remember being told that there can be no healing until ...

    11,15 €

  • Restoring the Balance
    John A Vucetich
    Wolves on a wilderness island illuminate lessons on the environment, extinction, and life.For more than a quarter century, celebrated biologist John Vucetich has studied the wolves, and the moose that sustain them, of the boreal forest of Isle Royale National Park, an island in the northwest corner of Lake Superior. During this time, he has witnessed both the near extinction of...

    37,49 €

  • Jewcy
    Marla Brettschneider
    Illustrates the diversity of Jewish lesbian queer experience through a range of topics, voices, and genres, encouraging readers to rethink narrow conceptions of Jewishness. ...

    41,09 €

  • Jewcy
    Marla Brettschneider
    Jewcy: Jewish Queer Lesbian Feminisms for the Twenty-First Century presents the rich diversity of Jewish life from perspectives that center lesbian and queer Jewish feminist people and issues. Blending scholarship with poetry, memoir, and other genres, it reopens the field of Jewish lesbian writing that has been largely dormant since the early 2000s. The contributors illustrate...

    127,33 €

  • The Punitive Turn in American Life
    Michael S. Sherry
    In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson insisted that 'the policeman is the frontline soldier in our war against crime,' and police forces, arms makers, policy makers, and crime experts heeded this call to arms, bringing weapons and practices from the arena of war back home. The Punitive Turn in American Life offers a political and cultural history of the ways in which punishment and...

    37,90 €

  • The Journal Effect
    Kelly Simmerman
    In the evocative and stirring novel 'The Journal Effect' by Kelly Simmerman, readers are invited into a world where the past and present intertwine through the pages of forgotten journals. The story delves deep into the realms of family secrets, personal discovery, and the unyielding power of memory.At the heart of the narrative is Chelsea, a character whose life is irrevocably...

    24,71 €

  • Breve história crítica do feminismo no Brasil
    Carla Rodrigues
    Os três ensaios de Carla Rodrigues reunidos neste volume são um relevante documento da vitalidade do pensamento sobre o femininismo no Brasil, realizado por uma das mais ativas pesquisadoras da área.'A vantagem de medir o feminismo em ondas está na potência da comparação com o mar. Ondas são fluxos e refluxos da água sobre a areia, são avanços do oceano sobre a terra, do fluído...

    12,48 €

  • Manifesto Traveco-Terrorista
    Tertuliana Lustosa
    O presente volume traz dois ensaios-manifestos de Tertuliana Lustosa, uma das mais inquietantes pensadoras queers em atuação no Brasil: Manifesto Traveco-Terrorista e Educando com o Cu.'Cuceta: deriva, vasculha, interrupção, ataque, invasão, ocupação, desocupação, prostituição, política de explosão do universal e do colonialismo. Masculinidade não corresponde a pênis ereto e o ...

    12,48 €