Cocina vegetariana

Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Cocina/comidas y bebidas, etc. / Cocina vegetariana (589)

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  • Vegetarian Keto Diet for Beginners
    Karen Cole
    Are you a vegetarian who wants to get the added benefits from the keto diet? Maybe you’re a keto dieter who has recently decided to stop eating meat? Or maybe you’re completely new to both concepts and you’re just curious what all the fuss is about? If any of these descriptions sound like you, then you’re going to get all your questions answered in this book. The Vegetarian Ket...

    11,93 €

  • Dieta Vegana
    Vinny Kes
    Il veganesimo sta raggiungendo sempre più persone al mondo.E ancora meglio, immagina come sarebbe se riuscissi a farlo semplicemente modificando il tuo stile di vita invece di provare diverse diete alla moda che si basano solo su risultati a breve termine!Dare alle persone questa possibilità è esattamente il motivo per cui ho creato questo e-book! Dopo aver ricevuto numerose do...

    12,14 €

  • Dieta Vegana
    Aldo Mazzi
    La dieta vegana è una delle diete più sane del mondo e per una buona ragione. Non solo aiuta a ridurre il grasso esistente nel corpo, ma migliora anche la capacità di combattere le malattie. È progettato per fornire alle persone una soluzione completa ai loro problemi di perdita di peso e aiutare con il processo di snellimento.Questo libro di cucina vegana per chi è alle prime ...

    10,35 €

  • Dieta Vegana
    Kofi Wolf
    Anche se non segui una dieta vegana, questo libro è una grande aggiunta alla tua collezione grazie alla sezione informativa sui desideri. Hai mai desiderato qualcosa di croccante, o dolce e salato  o un po’ di cioccolato? Bene, questi bisogni sono descritti in dettaglio e suggeriscono un'alternativa sana che riconosca la carenza di vitamine e il cibo che potrebbe rispondere...

    13,26 €

  • Dieta Vegana
    Salvo Gallo
    Immagina come sarebbe la vita se riuscissi a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi di perdita di peso.L’idea nobile dietro il veganesimo, ovvero quella di non voler sfruttare le specie animali meno fortunate per prendere ciò che è loro ed usarlo egoisticamente per noi - semplicemente perché non hanno il potere di fermarci - è forse la ragione primaria della crescita di popolarità di que...

    12,54 €

  • Dieta Vegana
    Ramiz Rog
    Questo libro contiene deliziose ricette vegane che ti aiuteranno a mangiare sano, aumentare energia e perdere peso e tenerlo lontano per sempre.Alcuni dei benefici che si possono avere da una dieta totalmente vegetaleincludono livelli più bassi di colesterolo, pressione più bassa e ridotto rischio di malattie cardiache e tumori. I vegani assumono meno grassi saturi e meno calor...

    13,99 €

  • Dieta Vegana
    Lillo Pinto
    La dieta vegana è basata solo su ingredienti genuini a base vegetale e alimenti a base di soia utilizzati come sostituti del latte e delle uova. Questo è il miglior libro di ricette dietetiche per una dieta vegana facile. Le ricette includono cibi per colazione, pranzo, cena, snack e dessert. Molte delle ricette sulla dieta vegana sono facilmente modificabili per i propri gusti...

    13,29 €

  • Dieta Vegana
    Adelfo Cocci
    Se vuoi sapere come avere un bel corpo e bruciare i grassi mangiando deliziosi piatti vegetariani e vegani che siano facili da cucinare e che non pesino sul tuo portafogli, allora non puoi perderti questo libro.La gente diventa vegana per molti motivi, іnсlusa la preoccupazione per il benessere degli animali, oltre alla questione degli ormoni, antibiotici e altre sostanze chimi...

    12,51 €

  • El libro de cocina completo de recetas de ensaladas En español/ The complete cookbook of salad recipes In Spanish (Spanish Edition)
    Charlie Mason
    Cuando se trata de una comida rápida y saludable con la que siempre se sentirá bien después de comerla, ¡nada mejor que una buena ensalada! Desafortunadamente, sin un poco de ayuda en el departamento de “ideas antiguas”, es fácil que su ensalada promedio caiga en una rutina.Ahí es donde entra en juego El Libro Completo De Cocina De Recetas De Ensaladas,  ya que adentro encontra...

    20,76 €

  • Nutrición a base de plantas En español/ Herbal Nutrition In Spanish
    Charlie Mason
    Ya sea que siga una dieta vegana o simplemente no pueda vivir sin carne de res, pollo y otras fuentes de carne en su dieta, ¡lo que coma afectará su bienestar!Y, ¡la mejor dieta para ayudar a su cuerpo a prosperar no es la que se le ocurra! Si bien el debate sobre el mejor plan de dieta continúa, la ciencia respalda una dieta rica en alimentos integrales a base de plantas para ...

    19,97 €

  • College Vegetarian Cookbook
    Tiffany Shelton
    The Best Vegetarian College Cookbook for Quick and Easy Cooking That We Can't Live Without!Are you looking for plant-based recipes that can naturally fuel your body? Are you tired of the processed and refined ingredients? Do you want to enjoy easy vegetarian meals will help boost your energy? ______________________________________________________________________________Cont...

    16,06 €

  • Vegan Slow Cooker Cookbook
    Laura Hamilton
    Are you a vegan with a busy life?Do you find that food preparation and cooking is a time-consuming issue?Would you like to have more time to spend on other things?This great new book, Vegan Slow Cooker Cookbook: 100 Amazing, Healthy and Easy Vegan Slow Cooker Recipes for Everyone, is packed with great ideas for any mealtime, which will save you time and allow you to do just tha...

    14,99 €

  • Plant-Based Cookbook for Beginners
    Jessica Harrows
    Discover How You Can Take Control of Your Health and Finally Reach Your Weight Loss Goals With The Plant Based Lifestyle! Do you want to lose weight and optimize your health? Do you want to make healthy eating effortless? Do you want to NATURALLY help prevent many of the biggest killers?  Plant Based eating is starting to go mainstream, and it’s about time!Honestly, for years w...

    18,09 €

  • The High Protein Plant-Based Cookbook
    Charlie Lambert
    Introducing The Complete Guide to High Protein Plant Based Eating! Whether it’s wanting to build muscle, lose weight or improve your athletic performance, protein is an essential part to any athlete’s diet.Or, you just want to add some protein to your Plant Based diet with some delicious recipes. Either way, you’ve come to the perfect place. After being bombarded with ‘Where Do...

    17,95 €

  • Indian Instant Pot Cookbook
    Tiffany Shelton
    The Best Indian Instant Pot Cookbook for Quick and Easy Cooking That We Can't Live Without!Have no time to make slow-cooking but totally delicious Indian meals?Is your trashcan overflown with delivery boxes?Don’t want to overpay at expensive restaurants?Forget about it with Instant Pot. The electric pressure cooker breaks all the rules of traditional Indian cooking making i...

    16,74 €

  • Libro de cocina vegana de cocción lenta En Español/ Vegan Cookbook Slow Cooker In Spanish (Spanish Edition)
    Charlie Mason
    ¡Debe ver esto para creerlo! Se sorprenderá con los deliciosos placeres que le esperan en el Libro de Cocina Vegana de cocción lenta: las 31 mejores recetas veganas de cocción lenta que favorecerán su salud en general. No solo tendrá una guía paso a paso, sino que también será fácil de entender.Este es un adelanto de lo que hay adentro si decide obtener su copia: Granola espe...

    19,86 €

  • Alkaline Vegan Drinks
    Karen Greenvang
    Over 140 Delicious Alkaline Vegan Drinks Including Smoothies, Juices, and Teas! Learn How to Easily Drink Your Way to Vibrant Health to Look and Feel Amazing! Experience the Amazing Health & Wellness Benefits of Alkaline Drinks:-weight loss-more energy-increased stamina and concentration-improved digestion-anti-inflammatory benefits-clear skin and strong nails-beautiful and shi...

    12,71 €

  • Alkaline Vegan Drinks
    Karen Greenvang
    Over 140 Delicious Alkaline Vegan Drinks Including Smoothies, Juices, and Teas! Learn How to Easily Drink Your Way to Vibrant Health to Look and Feel Amazing! Experience the Amazing Health & Wellness Benefits of Alkaline Drinks:-weight loss-more energy-increased stamina and concentration-improved digestion-anti-inflammatory benefits-clear skin and strong nails-beautiful and shi...

    18,74 €

  • Celery Juice Recipes That Don’t Taste Gross
    Elena Garcia
    The NO HYPE Approach to Celery Juicing to HELP You THRIVE!Yes, celery juice can be good for us, we have all heard it before…But…it can also be very harmful when overdone…And pure celery juice doesn’t taste very nice. It doesn’t sound very reasonable to live on pure celery juice alone or experiment with unproven and unrealistic celery juice cleanses pushed by celebrities and hyp...

    14,70 €

  • Arthritis Anti Inflammatory Diet & Plant Based Nutrition
    Charlie Mason
    Arthritis Anti Inflammatory Diet & Plant Based Nutrition Bundle Arthritis Anti Inflammatory Diet: If you or a loved one is suffering from pain caused by arthritis or inflammation, this is a great introductory book to read about these conditions.First and foremost, it's important to talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine. It's poss...

    20,38 €

  • Plant Based Cookbook for Athletes
    Charlie Lambert
    Discover How You Can Maximize Your Athletic Abilities AND Eat Plant Based at The Same Time!You’re vegan where do you get your protein? You could NEVER build muscle as a vegan! You could never be a vegan athlete, you need meat!These are just some of the common reactions and questions I get when I tell people I’m vegan and I play sport and go to the gym, and I’m sure you’ve heard...

    15,78 €

  • Pflanzliche Ernährung
    Jennifer Louissa / Anne M
    Die pflanzliche Ernährung ist ein beliebter Ernährungsplan und Lebensstil, der zunehmend Beachtung findet. Es ist bekannt, dass es sich um eine erfolgreiche Diät handelt, die das volle Gesundheitspotential Ihres Körpers entfaltet. Dieses Buch enthält alle Informationen zu dieser erstaunlichen Diät, einschließlich der Art und Weise, wie Anfänger darauf eingehen können. Der ultim...

    15,23 €

  • Alkaline Salads
    Marta Tuchowska
    Ready to REVOLUTIONIZE your health even if on a busy schedule? You are just about to discover the best ways to create delicious alkaline salads to help you look and feel amazing. Alkaline Salads are cleverly designed plant-based creations perfect for people who want to take care of their health in a holistic way and keep it simple, doable and fun.  Alkaline Salads Will Help You...

    15,16 €

  • Vegetarian Cookbook
    Charlie Mason
    Maximize your vegetarian lifestyle with this collection of super easy to make (all recipes ready in under 30 minutes) and delicious vegetarian recipes. Whether you a vegetarian greenhorn (there, even that has green in it) trying to cut back your meal intake or a seasoned vegetarian or even on a vegetarian-only diet, these extra tasty, simple and instant recipes will make your t...

    9,76 €

  • Plant-Based Nutrition
    Charlie Mason
    Whether you swear by a vegan diet or you just can’t live without beef, chicken, and other sources of meat in your diet, what you eat will affect your well-being!And, the best diet to help your body thrive is not the one you might think of! While the debate about the best diet plan keeps going strong, science supports a diet that is rich in whole plant-based foods for fighting c...

    9,98 €

  • Anna’s Best
    George WB Stone
    Healthy plant-based cooking made easy for the beginner vegan chef.  BREAKFAST  *  LUNCH  *  DINNER  * DESSERTInside you will find easy to follow recipes with step-by-step instructions as well as a place for notes as you learn to make each recipe your own.  As you develop as a vegan chef and create your own recipes, we have blank recipe pages for you to add these to your cookboo...

    14,05 €

  • Spiralizer Cookbook
    Karen Greenvang
    Spiralizer Cookbook: 100% Vegan: Energizing Spiralizer Recipes for Weight Loss, Detox, and Optimal HealthIrresistibly Good & Super Easy 100% VEGAN Spiralizer Recipes to Save Your Time, Lose Weight & Get Healthy!Tasty insider techniques from the best European vegan chefs for awesome and nutritious 100% plant-based spiralizer recipes everyone will love!We know how difficult it is...

    17,41 €

  • Vegan Diet
    Pedro Eagan
    This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to successfully transition to a nutritious and delicious vegan diet and why this change matters for you, for others, for animals, and for the planet. Let’s not pretend that going vegan is easy. It takes courage to go vegan. But you will be convinced that the reasons why you should practice the vegan lifestyle are well worth ...

    11,15 €

  • Vegan Diet
    Daniel Cade
    Do you want to Create Yummy Vegan Dishes for all the family to enjoy? Imagine a life where your waistline is the last thing on your mind. You’re skinny, you feel good, and you look phenomenal. All of this is possible through the secrets that exist within this book. This book contains proven secrets to living a longer, healthier and more prosperous life. If you’ve tried other di...

    14,70 €

  • Vegan Diet
    Dustin Kilmer
    More and more people are choosing vegetarian diets, but more and more people are choosing the Vegan diet. His unique approach takes advantage of the health benefits and weight loss of the Vegan diet and combines it with the vegetarian lifestyle. So this style of diet has already helped thousands of people to get their personal results but above all to have a healthy body!Some o...

    14,74 €