
Artes / Arquitectura (9201)

  • Motherhood between prison walls
    Camila Costa de Lima
    Within the broad context of the crisis in the prison system in Brazil, with serious violations of human rights and human dignity, specificities characterize the issue of female imprisonment, since being imprisoned means breaking up with your family and being away from your home and your children, who will be cared for by others or sent to an institution due to the lack of appro...

    68,48 €

  • La maternité entre les murs de la prison
    Camila Costa de Lima
    Dans le contexte général de la crise du système pénitentiaire au Brésil, avec de graves violations des droits de l’homme et de la dignité humaine, des spécificités caractérisent la question de l’emprisonnement des femmes, car être emprisonné signifie rompre avec sa famille et être éloigné de son foyer et de ses enfants, qui seront pris en charge par d’autres personnes ou envoyé...

    68,55 €

  • La maternità tra le mura del carcere
    Camila Costa de Lima
    Nell’ampio contesto della crisi del sistema carcerario in Brasile, con gravi violazioni dei diritti umani e della dignità della persona, le specificità caratterizzano la questione della carcerazione femminile, poiché essere incarcerate significa rompere con la propria famiglia e allontanarsi dalla propria casa e dai propri figli, che saranno accuditi da altri o inviati in un is...

    68,55 €

  • Материнство между тюремными стенами
    Камилла Коста де Лима
    В широком контексте кризиса пенитенциарной системы в Бразилии, сопровождающегося серьезными нарушениями прав человека и человеческого достоинства, проблема женского заключения имеет свои особенности, поскольку пребывание в тюрьме означает разрыв с семьей, отрыв от дома и детей, за которыми будут ухаживать другие или отправлять в специальные учреждения из-за отсутствия подходящи...

    68,61 €

  • The Art and Science of Drawing
    Willie J. Murphy
    Drawing is not a talent. It’s a skill anyone can learn! This is the philosophy of drawing instructor Willie J. Murphy based on his more than twenty years of teaching. He has tested numerous types of drawing instruction from centuries old classical techniques to contemporary practices and designed an approach that combines tried and true techniques with innovative methods of his...

    12,29 €

  • Modernización y Vanguardia en el diseño y la Arquitectura
    Summa no sólo es un ejemplo de la vanguardia moderna en el campo editorial de las revistas de Arquitectura y Diseño en la Argentina, sino sobre todo se constituye en vehículo de reflexiones y cuestionamientos que la transforman en un clásico a la vanguardia del diseño argentino. Este libro es el resultado de un proyecto de investigación financiado por la Universidad de Buenos A...

    16,64 €

  • Alvaro Siza
    Raúl Garcia Garcia
    Desde las primeras muestras de Arquitectura, ya en la Prehistoria, la luz siempre ha sido la piedra angular en torno a la cual todo lo construido se ha articulado. Egipto, Grecia, Roma y las ingrávidas cúpulas del período bizantino. Todas sus arquitecturas se construyeron en torno a la luz. Románico, Gótico, Renacimiento, Barroco, Neoclásico, Art Nouveau... Incluso el Movimient...

    18,72 €

  • A construção em terra e o problema climático na Argélia
    Yassine MILOUDI
    Estabelecer um clima interior suficiente e aceitável sem aumentar o consumo de energia nos espaços interiores é um dos desafios mundiais. Os edifícios são frequentemente concebidos para manterem condições térmicas constantes e quase estáveis ao longo de todo o processo, com o objetivo de minimizar o consumo de energia para aquecimento e arrefecimento e maximizar o conforto. For...

    60,13 €

  • Lehmbau und das Klimaproblem in Algerien
    Yassine MILOUDI
    Die Schaffung eines ausreichenden und akzeptablen Raumklimas ohne Erhöhung des Energieverbrauchs in Innenräumen ist eine der globalen Herausforderungen. Gebäude werden häufig so konzipiert, dass im gesamten Gebäude konstante und nahezu stabile thermische Bedingungen herrschen, um den Energieverbrauch für Heizung und Kühlung zu minimieren und den Komfort zu maximieren. Es wurden...

    60,13 €

  • Le costruzioni in terra e il problema del clima in Algeria
    Yassine MILOUDI
    Stabilire un clima interno sufficiente e accettabile senza aumentare il consumo energetico negli spazi interni è una delle sfide mondiali. Gli edifici sono spesso progettati per mantenere condizioni termiche costanti e quasi stabili, con l’obiettivo di ridurre al minimo il consumo di energia per il riscaldamento e il raffreddamento e massimizzare il comfort. Sono stati sviluppa...

    60,13 €

  • Земляное строительство и проблема климата в Алжире
    Яссине Милоуди
    Создание достаточного и приемлемого микроклимата в помещениях без увеличения энергопотребления - одна из мировых проблем. Здания часто проектируются таким образом, чтобы поддерживать постоянные и почти стабильные тепловые условия на всем протяжении, с целью минимизации потребления энергии на отопление и охлаждение и обеспечения максимального комфорта. Были разработаны новые кон...

    60,20 €

  • Earth construction and the climate problem in Algeria
    Yassine MILOUDI
    Establishing a sufficient and acceptable indoor climate without increasing energy consumption in interior spaces is one of the world’s biggest challenges. Buildings are often designed to maintain constant, almost stable thermal conditions throughout, with the aim of minimizing energy consumption for heating and cooling and maximizing comfort. New concepts have been developed, s...

    60,13 €

    Kishor Singh / Sneha Arora
    Throughout history, architects have sought to evolve buildings from static objects into dynamic systems meeting occupants’ changing demands. This inspired designs that interact with people and surroundings, incorporating movement, sound, light, wind, heat, and humidity. Responsive behavior, achieved through computation and kinetic systems, allows buildings to adapt harmoniously...

    60,64 €

  • Architecture à vivre
    Boris Ahokpossi
    Cet ouvrage est un guide d’architecture très important pour les étudiants en architecture. C’est un livre qui parle rien que des plans d’architecture 2D et 3D qui sont des plans très importants pour la construction des maisons. Les plans 2D sont composés de: vue en plan, plan aménagé, plan d’électricité, plan de plomberie, plan de masse, plan de situation. En ce qui concerne le...

    84,28 €

  • Habitar. Textos de arquitectura escritos en el tiempo
    Eusebio Alonso García / Eusebio Alonso García
    Las vacas regurgitan el alimento que, previamente, han almacenado en el llamado cuarto estómago para masticarlo lentamente. Elogiamos con Nietzsche la práctica rumiante de volver a pensar sobre lo ya pensado, lo pensado por nosotros mismos y lo que otros pensaron antes. Entre Borromini y el cine, distintos temas van sucediéndose en el libro. Sus palabras clave revelan una urdim...

    24,96 €

  • Assessment of Greenwashing in the Building Industry
    Retesh Kumar / Sneha Arora
    This study explores greenwashing in the building industry, where companies exaggerate or misrepresent their environmental claims. It aims to assess current certification systems, understand consumer behavior, examine regulations, and suggest improvements. By promoting transparency and sustainability, it protects consumers and the environment while enhancing industry credibility...

    60,52 €

  • Tokyo Urbanism
    Masami Kobayashi
    Arguably one of the most iconic mega-cities in Asia, Tokyo, the capital of Japan, plays an important economic and cultural role. It has been featured in various media as a liveable city with a well-developed public transport system. Yet, what international media coverage often misses out are its unique neighbourhoods and districts. Known as kaiwai, they are scattered in a mosai...

    181,93 €

  • Bananas in Snow Country
    Norman Foster / Rob Knapp
    In 1984, energy guru and gadfly Amory Lovins made his home and established his globally significant consulting firm in a building that demonstrates his influential 'soft path' approach to sustainability. The sun provides all the heat. Judicious choice of materials and meticulous construction retain it. Still operating with high performance today, this building sheds light on ho...

    34,24 €

  • El templo como artefacto de orientación
    Andres Francisco Renguifo Martínez
    El principio según el cual un objeto arquitectónico actúa como mediador en la relación que los seres humanos construyen con el mundo es exactamente el mismo que interviene en el ejercicio de orientación de un edificio respecto al espacio que lo circunda. En tal hecho, aquello que adquiere una relevancia capital no es tanto la dirección del objeto respecto a un punto u otro, sin...

    19,76 €

  • SVERRE FEHN. Museo Hedmark (1967-2005)
    Iñigo Peñalba Arribas
    Este libro tiene por objeto profundizar en el conocimiento de la arquitectura nórdica, y en particular del Museo Arzobispal de Hedmark en Hamar (1967-2005), obra del arquitecto noruego Sverre Fehn, acercándose a su pensamiento y su manera de entender no sólo la arquitectura, sino el ser humano y su contexto cultural y social. De hecho, la obra de Sverre Fehn trasciende de los l...

    40,56 €

  • Pencil Drawing
    Joe L. Lewis
    Anyone can draw but not everyone can make good drawings. Pencil drawing is a skill that needs a good foundation on theories because pencil drawing is a blend of theory and proper execution of these theories. Practice makes drawing perfect but foundation on the theories and techniques in drawing paves the way for better drawings. This book mainly targets beginners in pencil draw...

    14,16 €

  • Development of Ecotourism for Sustainable Growth of Tribes in India
    Ipsita Dash
    The purpose of architecture is not only to provide people’s physical, social and economic needs, but also to stimulate and respond to their cultural and spiritual expectations. Our multifaceted cultural traditions are influenced by our diverse livelihoods, ethnicities, languages, localities and by religious and spiritual belief. So the challenge is how to address this cultural ...

    84,28 €

  • Learn to Draw Guide For Kids and Beginners
    Fried Editor
    This book is perfect for childrens and beginners who want to quickly gain a sense of mastery in their drawing!Suitable for children, teens, and adults who want to practice and improve their drawing skills.Each step-by-step tutorial will guide you from the first step to the finished drawing. Each diagram on the left shows you how to draw the object one step at a time. Simply fol...

    13,47 €

  • Omar Khayyam’s Secret
    Mohammad H. Tamdgidi
    Omar Khayyam’s Secret: Hermeneutics of the Robaiyat in Quantum Sociological Imagination, by Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, is a 12-book series of which this book is the 7th volume, subtitled Khayyami Art: The Art of Poetic Secrecy for a Lasting Existence: Tracing the Robaiyat in Nowrooznameh, Isfahan’s North Dome, and Other Poems of Omar Khayyam, and Solving the Riddle of His Robaiyat A...

    151,48 €

  • Omar Khayyam’s Secret
    Mohammad H. Tamdgidi
    Omar Khayyam’s Secret: Hermeneutics of the Robaiyat in Quantum Sociological Imagination, by Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, is a 12-book series of which this book is the 7th volume, subtitled Khayyami Art: The Art of Poetic Secrecy for a Lasting Existence: Tracing the Robaiyat in Nowrooznameh, Isfahan’s North Dome, and Other Poems of Omar Khayyam, and Solving the Riddle of His Robaiyat A...

    110,27 €

  • Важность городского ландшафта
    Майк Мартинс де Соуза
    Ландшафт, будь то природный или городской, необходим в жизни каждого человека. Это обстановка, которая формирует и присутствует в жизни человечества. С психологической точки зрения он вызывает чувства идентичности, памяти, территории, пространственного расположения и временности. С общей точки зрения, город и современное общество стагнируют в технологичной городской жизни, где ...

    49,87 €

  • Die Bedeutung des Stadtbildes
    Mayke Martins de Souza
    Die Landschaft, ob natürlich oder städtisch, ist für das Leben eines jeden Menschen unerlässlich. Sie ist der Rahmen, der das Leben des Menschen ausmacht und in ihm präsent ist. Aus psychologischer Sicht löst sie Gefühle von Identität, Erinnerung, Territorium, räumlicher Verortung und Zeitlichkeit aus. Aus allgemeiner Sicht stagnieren die Stadt und die moderne Gesellschaft in e...

    49,87 €

  • L’importance du paysage urbain
    Mayke Martins de Souza
    Le paysage, qu’il soit naturel ou urbain, est nécessaire à la vie de chaque individu. C’est le cadre qui compose et qui est présent dans la vie de l’humanité. D’un point de vue psychologique, il déclenche des sentiments d’identité, de mémoire, de territoire, de localisation spatiale et de temporalité. D’un point de vue général, la ville et la société moderne stagnent dans une v...

    49,81 €

  • L’importanza del paesaggio urbano
    Mayke Martins de Souza
    Il paesaggio, sia esso naturale o urbano, è necessario nella vita di ogni individuo. È l’ambiente che compone ed è presente nella vita dell’umanità. Da un punto di vista psicologico, innesca sentimenti di identità, memoria, territorio e collocazione spaziale e temporale. Da un punto di vista generale, la città e la società moderna stanno ristagnando in una vita urbana tecnologi...

    49,81 €

  • The importance of the urban landscape
    Mayke Martins de Souza
    Landscape, whether natural or urban, is necessary in the life of every individual. It is the setting that makes up and is present in the life of humanity. From a psychological point of view, it creates feelings of identity, memory, territory and spatial location and temporality. From a general perspective, the city and modern society are stagnating in a technological urban life...

    49,81 €