Catálogo de libros:

3606667 Catálogo de libros:

  • The Pilgrim’s Progress
    John Bunyan
    The Pilgrim’s Progress is an engaging allegory of the Christian Life which has instructed and entertained countless adults and children over the past three hundred years.  As befitting a highly imaginative work, its style is simple and accessible.  This edition, complete and unabridged, containing Parts I and II, makes an ideal gift.“This wonderful work is one of the few books ...

    19,82 €

  • There's No Right Way To Do The Wrong Thing
    Christopher Gilbert
    Trustworthiness is not a destination, it’s a way of life! -C. GilbertIn today’s rapidly-changing global society, do you wonder what it means to make honest decisions, and hold yourself and others accountable in your personal, professional, and family lives? Do you want to know how you can become: more authentic in your relationships more transparent in your organizations be...

    16,12 €

  • Labrador Retriever Training
    Brittany Boykin
    Do you stare in amazement at the well-behaved Labrador Retriever puppy at the dog park listening and following his owner's commands while your puppy is off wreaking havoc or dragging you all over the park?Are you sick of your adorable little Labrador Retriever chewing everything in sight? Are you tired of your puppy leaving “surprises” all over the house?  Do you want to te...

    14,57 €

  • Mag-Iggle
    John Benneyworth
     Readers are quickly amused as Magi-Iggle uses magic potions and spells to help his mother-in-law, Myst-Iggle, who mixes everything up and creates chaos. Myst-Iggle finds herself flying on her broomstick with her magic cat, a vegetarian creature that will only eat daffodil sandwiches and spinach pie with green custard. As they zoom around on Myst-Iggle’s broomstick, the greedy ...

    11,84 €

    Robert Rahula
    This collection consists of expatriate poems selected from five of Robert Rahula’s best known books of poetry written during his years living in Europe, Mexico, and Central America.  The word expatriate derives from the French word expatrier (and originally from the Latin expatriatus) meaning to banish, and evokes a feeling of being forced out of one’s homeland… assuming one ev...

    12,18 €

  • The Illustrated Guide to Wildlife of the North Fork
    THE ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO WILDLIFE OF THE NORTH FORK is illustrated, researched and written by 8th grade students from the Mattituck Jr./Sr. High School and presents an overview of the unique wildlife of the North Fork of the East End of Long Island, New York. The wildlife represented includes mammals, marine mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, tidal and subtida...

    65,27 €

  • The Bible Bluff
    Mariana Stjerna
    The Da Vinci Code tells us that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple and had children together. Is that really correct? Did Jesus die on the cross or did he not? What about the Immaculate Conception? Why was Reincarnation removed at the meeting in Constantinople in the year 553? What function did the Grail have and is it true that Joseph of Arimathea collected the blood of th...

    22,83 €

  • The Bible Bluff
    Mariana Stjerna
    The Da Vinci Code tells us that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple and had children together. Is that really correct? Did Jesus die on the cross or did he not? What about the Immaculate Conception? Why was Reincarnation removed at the meeting in Constantinople in the year 553? What function did the Grail have and is it true that Joseph of Arimathea collected the blood of th...

    15,72 €

  • The Chronicles of Eoorthe
    B. D. Sutfin
    Valen Grimm first rode a horse in the most unlikley of places. When he finally arrived to where it brought him, he witnessed giants in battle (at least that is what he thought they were) and to make matters worse, met tigers nearly the size of elephants. But before all that, he had been alone on Had Wink, an island in the Cold Northern Ocean, fallen out of time. Unable to use h...

    33,00 €

  • Tales from the Riverside
    Larry Landgraf
    Tales from the Riverside tells true and unique stories about one man’s struggle with alligators, snakes, killer bees, and hordes of nasty critters on a daily basis in his swamp. Experience the danger without the need for professional medical services. Life in a swamp is not for everyone. ...

    22,79 €

  • Spirito, Anima e Corpo I
    Jaerock Lee
    Inizio del viaggio su Spirito, Anima e CorpoQuesto libro è pieno di conoscenza spirituale della quarta dimensione e offre risposte chiare alle domande su spirito, anima e corpo.Category SermonAuthor Dott. Jaerock LeePrint Length 260 Pages 3 ...

    11,80 €

  • Appointment with Death
    Jackie Shaffer
    DEATH. It’s all around us and no one can escape it. Sometimes it doesn't seem fair that we have to live with the results of one man's choice long ago in the Garden of Eden. In this book you will explore why Adam ate from the forbidden tree and you will embark upon a journey to an amazing truth. We tend to blame Adam for our “appointment with death,” but we must remember...

    12,36 €

  • Prélude
    Shira Anthony / Venona Keyes / Pauline Tardieu-Collinet
    David Somers, chef d’orchestre réputé, n’a jamais voulu de la société d’investissement qu’il a héritée de son grand-père autoritaire. Il ne rêve que de composer. Et pourtant, malgré tous ses efforts, David ne parvient pas à coucher sur le papier la musique qui le hante.Lorsqu’un violoniste invité à l’Orchestre Symphonique de Chicago tombe malade, David rencontre Alex Bishop, so...

    11,78 €

  • The ADHD Lifestyle Series, Volume 1
    Dr. Dawn Kamilah Brown MD
    Have you been searching for proven strategies to manage your child’s ADHD symptoms? If so, The ADHD Lifestyle Series, Volume 1 by Dawn Kamilah Brown, MD, contains vital information to help your child champion their ADHD and function at their optimal level. After uncovering key factors while seeking ways to manage her own ADHD, Dr. Dawn now exposes food myths, replaces them with...

    24,39 €

  • Дух, Душа и Тяло II
    Jaerock Lee
    Посланията от „Дух, Душа и Тяло“ хвърлят светлина върху най-дълбоката същност на нашето „аз“ и ни учат за произхода на хората. Ние също ще бъдем способни да разбираме всички хора след като добре научим и разберем посланието. Ще научим начините за побеждаване на силите на тъмнината, които ни възпрепятстват, за да водим успешен християнски живот. Част 2 на Дух, Душа и Тяло по-спе...

    11,98 €

  • Дух, Душа и Тело Ⅱ
    Jaerock Lee
    С того времени как я принял Иисуса Христа и стал читать Библию, я начал молиться о том, чтобы глубоко познать сердце Бога. Бог ответил мне после семи лет многочисленных молитв и постов. После того как я открыл церковь, Бог, через водительство Святого Духа, разъяснял мне трудные для понимания отрывки из Библии и, в частности, дал детальные объяснения по теме «Дух, душа и тело». ...

    11,94 €

  • Duch, Duše a Tělo I
    Jaerock Lee
    Poselství o „Duchu, Duši a Těle“ házejí světlo na hluboko skrytou část našeho ‚já‘ a učí nás o původu člověka. Jakmile se o tomto poselství dozvíme a důkladně ho pochopíme, budeme rovněž moci porozumět jakémukoliv člověku. Také se naučíme, jakými způsoby porazit síly temnoty, které na nás působí, a tak budeme moci vést vítězný křesťanský život. 3 ...

    11,90 €

  • Duch, Dusza i Ciało I
    Jaerock Lee
    Historia tajemniczych poszukiwań własnego „ja”  Jaki jest mój początek?Kiedy człowiek otrzymuje ducha?Czym jest ziarno życia, które stanowi źródło życia?Książka zawiera głęboką duchową odpowiedź na pytanie dotyczące tego, kim tak naprawdę jest istota ludzka oraz wgląd w świat czterowymiarowy.Dlaczego ci, którzy otrzymali Słowo Boga, nazwani są bogami?Niniejsza książka pomaga cz...

    11,90 €

  • Don’t read this book by my mother, she’s crazy
    Linda Ruth Brooks / Tony Attwood
    Living with someone on the autism spectrum is like watching a child trying to play hopscotch when they can’t see the squares, and everyone else can. Linda’s book takes us to the heart of living with a child with on the autism spectrum, inviting us to see life through the eyes of others. Brooks chronicles her life with her son from his birth, covering the early years, and the te...

    35,16 €

  • A Pattern for Murder (The Bait & Stitch Cozy Mystery Series, Book 1)
    Ann Yost
    "Yost provides an entertaining combination of mystery and romance with a dose of Finnish tradition." ~Kirkus ReviewWhen an Upper Michigan Finnish-American Community is Shocked by Murder, Local Knitter Hatti Lehtinen Searches for Answers in A PATTERN FOR MURDER, the First Installment in the BAIT & STITCH COZY MYSTERY SERIES by Ann Yost—Red Jacket, Michigan, On the Keweenaw Penin...

    18,57 €

  • Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries 2017
    Kwo Young
    This book contains twenty papers focusing on research investigations in the field of nickel/metal hydride (Ni/MH) batteries in 2017. These papers summarize the joint efforts in Ni/MH battery research from BASF, Wayne State University, Michigan State University, FDK Corp, Institute for Energy Technology, Central South University, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Zhe...

    83,95 €

  • Vitamin K and Vitamin K-Dependent Proteins in Relation to Human Health
    This Special Issue of Nutrients focuses on advances that extend our knowledge of the biochemical functions and health roles played by both the micronutrient vitamin K and its target Gla proteins.  The scope of potential topics is wide and may include studies in population and patient groups, animal models and at the cellular level.  Examples include the presentation, diagnosis,...

    59,72 €

  • Somerset
    Daniel Donaghy
    Somerset is an elegy for the Kensington section of Philadelphia in which the author was raised. Using a variety of styles and forms, it remembers people and cultures struggling to survive in the aftermath of deindustrialization and, now, an opioid epidemic. It is also a study in how our past continually informs our present, how we never fully leave those places in which our you...

    15,52 €

  • Lateral Thinking
    Dave Schwartz
    Clever wordplay intertwines with hilarious satire throughout this bathroom reader-style humour collection. Lateral Thinking will enlighten you on a wide range of topics. You'll probably laugh aloud as you learn about a variety of topics ranging from smokers as the solution to national security to the benefits of sipping manure tea. ...

    11,51 €

  • A Comedic Guide to Money
    Colin Ryan
    Your ability to manage your money directly affects your ability to build the life you want.Reading this introductory book on personal finance will teach you the skills that have changed not only my life, but the lives of hundreds of thousands of people over the course of my career.To keep it enjoyable even to those of us who would not be interested in reading a finance book, I’...

    15,95 €

  • Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of Civil Structures
    At the current time of writing, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has awarded American infrastructure a grade of D+, meaning poor and at risk. Part of the reason for the low grade is due to the rapid deterioration of structural integrity and the inability of most places to safely meet future demands. Deficiencies in these areas may be remediated by advancements in ...

    108,65 €

  • The Biology and Treatment of Myeloid Leukaemias
    There has been an observed decrease in the global mortality from cancer, mostly atributable to improved, particularly early, detection and prevention. For many carcinomas and leukaemias in adults, once the disease has reached a certain stage there are no therapies that are able to erradicate the cancer cells and cure patients. There has been progress in the treatment of acute m...

    51,85 €

  • Metal Metabolism in Animals
    Reinhard Dallinger
    Through evolution of life, animals have adapted to the ubiquitous presence of metals in the biosphere. They utilize the more frequent ones as essential constituents of their biochemical machinery. In fact, about 40% of all proteins present in animal cells are so-called metalloproteins. On the other hand, animals have invented regulatory and detoxifying mechanisms to protect the...

    83,91 €

  • Dietary Bioactives and Bone Health
    There is general agreement within the fields of food, nutrition, and medical sciences that an individual’s diet and lifestyle can substantially predispose one to, or protect against osteoporosis, low bone mass, and numerous other age-related bone diseases. Dietary bioactives, found diversity in a variety of  foods from fruits to vegetables, herbs and spices, essential oils and ...

    51,85 €

  • Nutrition and Allergic Diseases
    The purpose of this Special Issue, “Nutrition and Allergic Diseases”, is to provide an overview of the role of nutrition in allergy. The prevalence of asthma, rhinitis, and food allergy has increased tremendously over the last few decades. Is there a role for nutrition to help managing this global challenge? This Special Issue touches upon the many aspects that relate to nutrit...

    67,87 €